Indian defence Export Will India achieve its defence export target fixed for 2025? By Jai Kumar Verma New Delhi. 18 October 2022 . Export in defence is a story every nation wants to tell but how many actually get down to writing it is the million-dollar question. Capability to design, produce, market, and eventually sell defence arms and equipment is a niche ability and very few nations are able to achieve it. India which is a biggest importer of arms and ammunition after Saudi Arabia is determined to enhance its indigenous production under ‘Make in India’ policy. India also plans to increase its export of weapon systems to Rs.35,000 crores ($4.87 billion) by 2025. India’s defence exports increased 334% in last five years. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh stated that India is ready to export Light Combat Aircraft, helicopters, radars, artillery guns, tanks vehicles, missile systems etc. India ...