
Showing posts from August, 2023

Robert Hanssen one of the most damaging spy in the history of F.B.I. Robert Hanssen one of the most damaging spy in the history of F.B.I. By Jai Kumar Verma New Delhi. 12 August 2023. Continuing with our series on spies of the world, we are this time tracing the life, times, and actions of Robert P. Hanssen, who was an officer in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) USA, which needs no introduction for being the lead agency of counterintelligence. FBI’s basic object is to protect the secrets, national assets and counter the activities of foreign agents but Hanssen worked for more than 20 years for Moscow during the cold war as well as after the end of cold war. Hanssen, was caught in 2001 and awarded life imprisonment in 2002, is considered one of the most damaging spies in American history. The U.S. attorney Paul J. McNulty stated that “The magnitude of Hanssen’s crimes cannot be overstated,”. After the sudden death of Hanssen in pri...

Artic Top News Home/FOREIGN AFFAIRS/Arctic, its importance for the World and India FOREIGN AFFAIRSTALKING POINTS Arctic, its importance for the World and India India Strategic Staff/ Agency Send an emailAugust 14, 2023 5 minutes read Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Messenger Share via Email Print By Jai Kumar Verma New Delhi, August 14. The mineral rich Arctic region encompasses one-sixth of the world’s landmass. The area provides several ecological services which are helpful in adjusting the planet’s temperature which is in danger because of merciless exploitation of earth’s resource. The unplanned and egoistical human activities are responsible for several devastating changes in the world including the hasty melt down of Arctic Ice pack. The Arctic ice pack is the sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding areas. The melting of snow would increase the sea level and it may endanger India’s ...