Aviation & Defence Universe
What does
India’s abstinence from UN voting against Russia signify?
By Jai Kumar
New Delhi.
10 March 2022. Since the
War between Russia and Ukraine started on 24th, there are
no other headlines in India. Everything including elections have taken a back
seat in the media. But one news has caught not only domestic but international
eyeballs And this is the abstinence of India from the United Nations voting on
the war. It needs to be understood. An old reliable friend on one hand and the
rest of the world with lot of friends on the other. And the question is – has
India balanced itself well or caught the wrath of the world?
The Author
India China
and United Arab Emirates abstained from voting in the emergency session of
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held on 26 February which was convened
on the Russian action on Ukraine. India’s permanent representative to the UNO
T.S. Tirmurti stated that India demands “immediate cessation of violence and
hostilities.” Again, on 2 March India, abstained from voting on the resolution
passed by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The resolution sturdily
admonished Russia for aggression on Ukraine and urged that Russia should
immediately withdraw its forces from Ukraine. 141 countries voted in favour and
five countries voted against the resolution while 35 countries absented from
the voting.
General Assembly resolutions are not binding but there is political impact of
the resolutions. Tirumurti also mentioned that “Keeping in view the totality of
the evolving situation, India has decided to abstain.” India also abstained
from voting in 2014 on the UNGA resolution against Russia when it annexed
Crimea. In fact, it is the fourth time India abstained from voting in different
UN bodies resolutions after Russia entered Ukraine.
Friends Indeed
India has
cordial relations with Russia and in past Moscow extended different types of
assistance to India. Hence by absenting India safeguarded its national interest
and it is a pragmatic approach. Although few analysts mentioned that India
should have taken a principled stand and should have voted in favour of the
resolution, as a powerful country invaded its weak democratic neighbour, but
these are only murmurs. Since its inception the five permanent members of UNO
are blocking the increase of the number of permanent members as it is in their
national interest hence by abstaining India also worked in its national
Moscow is
India’s leading supplier of armaments since the cold war era. And we don’t need
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) to tell us that Russia
is the most important arms supplier to India and almost two-thirds of India’s
imports are from Russia. At present about seventy percent of defence forces equipment
are of Russian origin. India and Russia signed “India-Russia Strategic
Partnership” in October 2000. India’s ‘Main Battle Tank’(MBT) consists of
Russian T-72 M1 and T-90S tanks. Indian navy’s aircraft carrier, several
frigates, nuclear submarine, and several other defence equipment are of Russian
origin. Large number of Indian fighter jets are of Russian origin. Besides
weapons Russia also provides technology to India which most of the countries
avoid giving to India.
always been on India’s side in Kashmir dispute. Moscow also supported Indian
government’s policies in Kashmir. Hence the government decided to support
Russia although there was immense pressure from United States and European
countries to vote in favour of resolution.
India also
needs diplomatic assistance from Moscow while handling expansionist China.
There have been border disputes, both countries clashed and there were
standoffs in last two years. China has developed infrastructure in border areas
and amassed artillery guns, tanks, and troops on the borders. China has not
only occupied large area of India but also claims Arunachal Pradesh. India,
Japan, Australia, and U.S. constituted QUAD to counter China and expects that
U.S. and other members of QUAD may come for India’s assistance in case of
conflict with China.
Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla rightly mentioned that ,”In the UN, we take
positions that are based on certain very careful considerations and certainly
we do regard the merits of each and every case,”. He also said that “We will
consider them in their entirety and take decisions in our best interests”.
President Vladimir Putin also visited India in December 2021 and India
purchased weapons worth $5 billion including S-400 advanced missile defence
system. Indian government is also trying to evacuate its students stranded in
Ukraine and Russian forces are helping in their withdrawal.
The Russian
point of view is that the western nations should not have placed armed forces
in Estonia and Latvia, should not have allured Ukraine to become member of NATO
and Ukraine could have just agreed to not joining NATO and remain independent.
Putin realised that once Ukraine becomes NATO member, NATO forces would be at
Russia’s doorstep and it would be a security risk to the country. Russia has no
natural borders. In past Napoleon, Hitler and Genghis Khan and others invaded
Russia through grasslands and open fields. NATO forces would setup bases in
Ukraine and the distance between Kyiv to Moscow is merely 860 KMs.
Russia-China Proximity
position is precarious as the closeness between Russia and China is increasing.
China blamed West for compelling Russia to invade Ukraine. China has also
clearly mentioned that it won’t join in sanctions on Russia. Guo Shuping,
Chairman of the China Banking, and Insurance Regulatory Commission stated in a
press conference that “As far as financial sanctions are concerned, we do not
approve of these.” He also mentioned that “We will not participate in such
sanctions. We will continue to maintain normal economic and trade exchanges
with relevant parties.” Last year the total trade between Russia and
China enhanced to $146.9 billion. Russia is mainly supplying oil, gas, coal,
and agriculture products to China. In 1950s the Soviet Union and Communist
China were close friends however the border disputes cropped up in 1969. Now
again both are becoming close allies because of sanctions and other
restrictions from the West. The chances that as Russia invaded Ukraine China
may also try to occupy Taiwan although there are few differences between Taiwan
and Ukraine but in view of aggressiveness of China the possibility cannot be
ruled out. At present Russia is developing closeness with China but it may not
go very far as Putin would not like to work as a junior partner to Chinese
President Xi Jinping. The sanctions imposed by West on Moscow might dampen
Russian economy. U.S. and European Union are prohibited to deal with Russian
Central bank. The Rouble fell about 30% to dollar and at present it is 0.0081
to U.S. dollar.
On the other
hand, the ties between India and U.S. are strengthening because of aggressive
behaviour and emerging threat from China. As Russia and China are becoming
allies India has to look towards West. Russian invasion in Ukraine is creating
a cold war situation where U.S. and European countries are on one side while
China and Russia would be on another side. India has to choose its
position in the new emerging world order. It may be difficult to remain neutral
as hostile China is at our neighbourhood.
Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu said
that it would be difficult for India to purchase Russian weapons after latest
sanctions imposed by U.S. due to Russian aggression on Ukraine. Nevertheless
U.S. has not taken any decision to impose sanctions on India and it was left on
President Biden to decide whether to impose sanctions on India under Countering
America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) or waive the sanctions.
Nonetheless India has to play its cards very carefully.
It is
expected that after Ukraine war the world would become multi polar instead of
unipolar and U.S., Russia, China, India, and Germany would emerge as
important players. Hence first of all India has to strengthen itself militarily
as well as economically and then maintain a balance between it’s relationship
with US led western block and Moscow.
(Jai Kumar Verma is a
Delhi-based strategic analyst and member of United Services Institute of India
and Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The views in the article are
solely the author’s. He can be contacted at editor.adu@gmail.com)
Aviation & Defence Universe
China’s expansionism &
intimidation leads to alliances
Courtesy : news.antiwar.com
By Jai Kumar Verma
New Delhi. 30 January 2022. China is expansionist and it enhances its influence
through culture, negotiation, defence agreements, financial assistance or on
the name of development of infrastructure. In recent past Beijing has adopted a
very aggressive foreign policy.
It hit out Australia as it questioned
about the origin and handling of COVID-19 pandemic, increased patrols and other
activities near Japanese controlled Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to which China
claims as its territory. Beijing constantly sent fighter aircraft near Taiwan,
took stringent measures in Hong-Kong, imposed National Security law and
imprisoned large number of pro-democracy supporters.
Beijing strengthened its presence in
South China Sea and threatened United Kingdom for dire consequences for its
decision to ban Chinese telecom giant Huawei from its 5G telecom network. China
released two Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig only after Huawei
executive Meng Wanzhou was released.
Beijing claims that it settled its
borders with 12 out of 14 neighbours, while most of its neighbours feel that
the settlements are unfair and China used its financial as well as military
might in dictating the terms. China is also threatening India and Bhutan and is
trying to snatch their territorial areas. There are news that China has again
started construction of buildings in disputed territory on China Bhutan border.
The new construction would give China better control of the area. The construction
also indicates that China does not believe in amicable settlement of border
China has developed close relations
with Pakistan as both feel enmity with India albeit for different reasons.
Beijing considers India as its potential adversary while Pakistan since its
inception is against India. The animosity of Islamabad enhanced manifold after
its division i.e., creation of Bangladesh. China has recently passed “Land
Boundary Law” which converted the territory disagreement into a sovereign dispute,
which restricts any settlement on the basis of give and take.
When China attacked India, it was not
expecting that Delhi would take such a stern step. Indian forces fought
valiantly at Doklam and Galwan areas and killed more Chinese soldiers than
Indian soldiers martyred. India also attacked Chinese business interests and
banned 59 Chinese apps. India is also trying to lessen import from China. Both
countries had 14 rounds of negotiations but without any tangible result. China
mentioned that border skirmishes should not effect commercial dealings but
India has not accepted it.
The Chinese were not prepared for
war, they wanted to humiliate India and change the LAC at some strategic
locations. But China had to retreat because of tough stand taken by India. In
the press conference ahead of Army Day, Indian army Chief General MM Naravane
emphatically mentioned that the army would continue its operational
preparedness as the threat is not reduced. He was right as India has to
safeguard its borders as matter is not resolved and China is an unpredictable
President Xi Jinping has changed Deng
Xiaoping’s foreign policy as Deng believed that “hide your strength, bide your
time.” Now China has become very assertive and show its strength blatantly. Xi
Jinping has adopted a belligerent foreign policy because he wants to divert the
attention from internal troubles.
The Corona Virus has declined Chinese
economy, the trade war with United States is also harming the business
interests of Beijing. The CCP’s main priority is stability in the country as it
spends more on internal security than on defence. According to a rough estimate
about one million officials including some Politburo and Central Committee
Members were embattled under anti-corruption drive. Xi’s military reforms have
enhanced his control over Peoples Liberation Army (PLA).
However, the internal resentment is
going on in intellectuals. There are reports that a ‘rectification campaign’ in
police and security forces was launched which indicates that some resentment is
still continuing. Muslims especially Uighur Muslims, Tibetans create
disturbances. Islamic State is trying to strengthen itself in Afghanistan which
would certainly assist Muslim’s secessionist activities in China. Although
Taliban promised that they would not assist Uighur Muslims but they cannot be
trusted completely.
The aggressive foreign policy of
China has created anti-Chinese sentiments in the world and different countries
have constituted alliances and signed agreements to counter China. Following
are the main alliances and pacts constituted to face Chinese threat
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in
2007 visualised about Quad but at that time it could not be constituted as
China was less assertive and the countries avoided confrontation with China.
Nonetheless in 2017 four countries including India, Japan, United States and
Australia agreed to constitute QUAD. First the leaders of all four countries
met virtually and then in September the summit was held. The joint statement
mentioned that “Together, we recommit to promoting the free, open, rules-based
order, rooted in international law and undaunted by coercion, to bolster
security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. We stand for the rule
of law, freedom of navigation and overflight, peaceful resolution of disputes,
democratic values, and territorial integrity of states.” China became
very angry on the formation of Quad as it understood that it is against it.
On 15 September 2021 United States,
United Kingdom and Australia constituted an alliance in the Asia-Pacific and
named it as AUKUS. Under the alliance U.S. and U.K. would provide Australia
technology and capability pertaining to nuclear-powered submarines. The joint
statement of all three countries mentioned that “This is a historic opportunity
for the three nations, with like-minded allies and partners, to protect shared
values and promote security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.”
Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China
On 4 June 2020 senior law makers of
eight democracies including U.S., constituted IPAC to counter China. The
alliance has representatives of world’s major political parties. The IPAC
claims that it desires to “construct appropriate and coordinated responses, and
to help craft a proactive and strategic approach on issues related to the
People’s Republic of China.”
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
On 4 February President Barack Obama
constituted an alliance with several countries to counter China. Nonetheless
U.S. withdrawn from alliance during Presidentship of Trump and now China would
be joining the alliance which was constituted to counter it.
Five Eyes alliance (FEA)
Five Eyes Alliance was constituted,
by five countries including U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Canada,
during cold war era to collect intelligence and keep an eye on the then USSR.
But now the alliance keep eye on China and share intelligence. It has already
criticised China for human right violations of Uyghur Muslims, Chinese
aggressive activities in South China Sea, and repression in Hong Kong and
continuous threatening of Taiwan.
Japan and Australia also signed
defence pact in first week of January 2022 through a virtual summit. The pact
which would facilitate the future cooperation between both the countries is
clearly against the aggressive China.
Japan and U.S. agreed for five years
extension for retention of 50,000 U.S. troops in Japan. The root cause of
extension is threat from China and North Korea.
China is also challenging the lone
super power status of U.S. Western democracy, their prosperity and security,
therefore U.S. along with its traditional allies are trying to curb the
economic relations with China.
U.S., Japan, and European countries
are trying to distance themselves economically from China. U.S. and few
European countries have put restrictions on China because of its human rights
violations of Uighur Muslims. Japan government is giving incentives to its
companies for returning back to Japan. Australia, India, and other countries
are also tightening foreign investment regulations so that Chinese companies do
not take over the indigenous companies and also putting restrictions on import
of Chinese goods.
Chinese government propagate their
scientific achievements, defence capabilities, electronic gadgets, economic
achievements to dissuade the world and to appease Chinese people. Recently
China has asserted that they have deployed robotic soldiers on LAC but in
reality, no robotic soldiers were seen. It appears that Chinese soldiers are
facing lot of difficulties at LAC because of inclement weather. Hence Chinese
hierarchy is giving consolation to the army and also disseminating to the world
about their scientific achievements. But Xi Jinping does not want war as
Chinese army has not fought war from last several years and its experience in
Vietnam, was very distressing. On 4 January, Xi Jinping signed the training
programme of PLA which was printed very prominently in the PLA Daily.
Courtesy : scmp.com
China should stop human right
violations in the country. Recently 20 million people are locked down in China
in multiple cities to curb spread of Corona virus just to save winter Olympics
scheduled to commence from 4 February. It is good that several countries of the
world signed agreements and pacts to defend themselves from Chinese threat but
it is not enough. U.S. navy should include smaller ships, drones, and other
equipment near China so that quick action can be taken against it. On one hand
defence forces of Taiwan must be strengthened and on the other hand U.S. should
keep its forces ready so that urgent action can be taken if China tries to
attack Taiwan. India should also augment its defence and keep its forces ready
for two sides war.
(Jai Kumar Verma is a Delhi-based
strategic analyst and member of United Services Institute of India and
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The views in the article are solely
the author’s. He can be contacted at editor.adu@gmail.com)
Aviation & Defence Universe
India-China War: A
Remote Possibility
Tensions on LAC to continue
By Jai Kumar Verma
New Delhi. October 2021. The relations between India and China have deteriorated considerably in
last few months. The armies of both nuclear powers are facing each other on
Line of Actual Control (LAC). The disputed Indo-China border, is about
3,488 kilometres long, is full of rivers, lakes, and mountains. The border is
not only disputed but vague hence several times inadvertently the armies of
both countries confront each other.
In past China developed infrastructure on the
border and India neither objected it firmly nor built infrastructure on its
side. However, for the last few years India has started constructing roads,
bridges etc. on the borders which was objected by China, as it challenged
China’s leading military and infrastructural domination on Indo-China borders.
The Border Roads Organization (BRO) finished the construction of 61 roads
totalling about 3,346 K.Ms. China is also worried as India constructed a road
in Galwan valley and
Delhi may try to recapture Aksai Chin which legally belongs to India.
Meanwhile the recently held 13th round of corps
commander level talks between both the countries held at Chinese side of
the Moldo-Chushul border,
failed to reach an agreement. The Chinese government’s mouthpiece Global Times
wrote a hard-hitting article in which it fully blamed India for the failed
negotiations. It alleged that India made “unreasonable and unrealistic demands”
in the negotiations. Chinese analysts falsely blamed that India is
building tensions at new places in the eastern section of the Indo-China
border. China not only blamed and threatened India but also claimed that China
is trying to diffuse the tensions on the border. The paper mentions that
India’s demand of returning the troops of pre-April 2020 places is
unreasonable. In fact, expansionist Chinese strategy is that it attacks and
captures Indian territory and afterwards returns some portion but retains most
of the area. Now the government is not allowing them to capture new areas but
negotiating that Chinese should return the areas already occupied illegally by
Chinese analysts claimed that Indian economy is
passing from a difficult phase but it mustered courage to challenge China
because it feels that the relations between China and United States have
worsened and U.S. would assist India against China. Lin Minwang, professor with
the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University also mentioned that
India feels that U.S. confers much importance to New Delhi and President Biden
also discussed with India the plans to impede China.
As the commanders level discussions between India
and China could not end the 17-month standoff at the borders because of
expansionist designs of China, now both the countries would have to retain
their troops in perilously freezing temperatures. Temperatures in some areas in
Ladakh drop to 30 below zero Celsius. Before May 2020 the troops were returning
to summer holdings in winter but now because of standoff the troops of both
countries have to stay in the inhospitable climate along with their weaponry.
Our defence ministry issued a statement in which it mentioned that China was
not “agreeable” on India’s “constructive” suggestions.
Although the situation is tense on Indo-China
border and the possibility of few more clashes cannot be ruled out but the
chances of an all-out war is remote. The important reasons include that in 1979
China fought a war with Vietnam in which PLA suffered much more casualties than
Vietnam which is a smaller country. Chinese army has not fought war from last
forty years and lacks the practical experience of the war. On the other hand,
Indian army is battle-hardened army which fought more than three wars with
Pakistan and deeply involved in fight against terrorism in Kashmir and North
East India. The defence experts claim that the performance and weapons handling
of PLA contingents on United Nations peacekeeping force in Africa was not up to
the mark.
Secondly India China dispute is purely a border
issue and not an ideological issue. India has no problem with communist regime
in China while China is also not against Indian democracy. The LAC between both
the countries is vague and confusing which results in the battles.
Chinese weapons are manufactured by stealing the
technology from U.S., Europe and Russia and are not technologically very
advanced. On the other hand, Indian armaments legally purchased are of advance
technology. Recently Pakistan army has also complained about the sub-standard
Chinese weapons.
China considers U.S. as its main enemy and it would
not like to fight nuclear India as it would damage both the countries and
President Xi Jinping’s dream of surpassing U.S. would be hampered. Hence war
with India would be a distraction.
The economy of China also got a jolt first because
of Corona Virus and then flood devastated several cities of the country.
Several countries blame China for the spread of Corona virus. The democratic
countries are also against Chinese aggressive behaviour, expansionist designs,
and blatant human right violations. Several countries where China invested
money under Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are unable to pay the debt and are
demanding tax relief. It is not feasible for China to give debt relief to all,
hence these countries are unhappy. Few countries are also realising that
Chinese companies adopt unfair means in procuring the contracts. Recently
Pakistan has banned a Chinese company because of adopting malpractices.
Although the Quad countries have close economic
relations with China but all have some issues with China. U.S. considers China
as its potential adversary as it is threatening its sole super power status.
Japan which is the third biggest economy in the world resent the expansionist
designs of PLA. Both claim Senkaku islands in East China Sea. There is mutual
hatred, dislike, and hostility between the public of China and Japan.
Australia also feels threatened because of speedy
military modernisation and aggressive Chinese foreign policy. China started
interfering in Australian political process hence it had to ban foreign
political donations in 2017. Australia not only banned Huawei Chinese
technological company but also asked for the enquiry about the origin of the
coronavirus. China became very upset when Australia joined Quad. China has also
put restrictions or raised duty on import of several Australian products
including beef, barley, wine, sugar, coal, lobster etc.
India China has border disputes and China is not
only illegally capturing Indian territory but also claiming much more. There
are battles and standoffs at the borders. India is also restricting import of
Chinese goods.
India and China have signed five agreements in
1993, 1996, 2005, 2012 and 2013. Mostly the disputes can be resolved through
the negotiations under these agreements. Both sides are determined to settle
the issues amicably hence much publicity is not given in the media.
Last but not the least the limited war would also
be an economic disaster for both the countries while the gain would be minimal.
China knows that India would fight back the aggression with full force and the
Quad countries may not support overtly but certainly render material support to
India is also trying to lessen its trade deficit
with China by emphasising ‘Make in India’ programme. India is developing
infrastructure at China border so that the heavy machinery can also be sent at
the borders. India also raised XVII Corps which is the first mountain strike
Corps of India basically to face China.
Hence both countries should adopt a pragmatic view
and should avoid standoffs and battles. China wants that border dispute and
business should go together as India is a big market. But India should make
sincere efforts to lessen the trade deficit with China. Both countries should
employ more confidence building measures.
India should also be careful that it should not
become tool in the hands of U.S. which wants to hamper the growth of China and
would like to involve Beijing in a war with India or Taiwan. The world has seen
that U.S. has abandoned battle-ravaged Afghanistan. The present position of
India is perfect that we are defending our territory and trying to recover our
lost areas through negotiations but not adopting any aggressive designs.
(Jai Kumar Verma is a Delhi-based strategic analyst and member of United
Services Institute of India and Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The
views in the article are solely the author’s. He can be contacted at
Aviation & Defence Universe
Is China trying to convert Sri Lanka into Its
overseas colony?
Columbo Port
By Jai Kumar
New Delhi. 28
May 2021. The contentious Port City Bill was passed by Sri
Lankan Parliament on 20th May 2021. The bill cleared the first Special Economic
Zone (SEZ) which consists of 269 hectares of reclaimed land which is contiguous
to Colombo, the capital of the country. The SEZ which will be powered by
renewable energy, will have mostly services-intensive industries. It is part of
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which is a global infrastructure development
strategy of Chinese President Xi Jinping and was initiated in 2013.
The enactment mentions that Mahinda
Rajapaksa the Prime Minister would constitute a special commission which
will administer the SEZ. The commission will be empowered to sanction licenses,
registrations and to start any type of business in SEZ permission from the
commission will be required. The commission would also fix the custom duty,
value-added tax (VAT) or any other type of taxation or its exemption. It will
also decide about opening of gambling places and casinos. In reality the
commission will be empowered to take all decisions about the SEZ. Chinese would
be getting concessions which were not given even to Sri Lankan businessmen. The
audit and accounts department will not be authorised to do the audit of SEZ,
but audit would be done by private auditors hence parliament will have no
control over the SEZ. Prime Minister will be authorised to select and dismiss
the members of the commission.
The work on Port City SEZ was started when
Rajapaksa was the president of Sri Lanka. The Hambantota port, which was leased
to China in July 2017 as Sri Lanka could not repay the debt given by China, is
in the constituency of Mahinda Rajapaksa. All the businesses in the Colombo
Port City would be transacted in recognised foreign currency.
Columbo Port
On April 8, the Port City Bill was put forward in
Parliament but there was unprecedented opposition to the bill and about 19
petitions were filed in Supreme Court against the bill. The bill which will
exempt the SEZ from the local laws was severely criticised by labour unions,
civil society, advocates, monks, and opposition parties particularly United
National Party (UNP), the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP). Anura Kumara
Dissanayake an important leader of JVP declared that Sri Lanka will be reduced
to a “Chinese province” because of the bill. In the Colombo Port City Sri
Lankan laws will not be effective. Former Sri Lankan President Chandrika
Bandaranaike Kumaratunga also mentioned that Sri Lanka will become ‘colony of
China’ and the people who resisted Colombo Port’s Eastern Container Terminal’s
(ECT) construction by India and Japan are not hostile to Chinese Colombo Port
The petitioners claimed in the supreme court that
the provisions of Chinese controlled SEZ are against the Sri Lankan
constitution, sovereignty, and labour laws hence it should be declared null and
void. The decision of the apex court was put forward before the parliament on
25 May 2021 which declared that on several points either the bill required to
be passed by a two-thirds majority or it needed referendum. It also mentioned
that if requisite amendments are made in the clauses which are contrary to the
constitution the bill can be passed by simple majority in parliament.
The opposition wanted three days debate in
parliament, but government allowed two days debate and afterwards the bill was
amended in consultation with supreme court and was passed by majority vote.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksha while defending the
bill stated in the parliament that the Port City Project would generate more
than 200,000 jobs in five years and most of these jobs will be given to Sri
Lankans. He also claimed that the Colombo Port City would attract foreign
direct investment as it will become a big financial and services centre in
South Asia.
Yamuna Jayaratne Colombo Port City Director of
Sales and Marketing stated that so far Sri Lanka has not exploited its
geographical and locational advantages which are more than Dubai and Hong Kong
which already emerged as financial services hubs.
A handshake
which is shaking the region
The bill was defended by several politicians of the
ruling party including Minister of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs
Wijeyadasa Rajapksa, Agriculture Minister Mahindananda Aluthugame as well as by
former Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal. They mentioned that Colombo
Port City will be very useful for the country and it will create large number
of jobs and SEZ is under the security cover of Sri Lankan police and security
forces. They also claimed that several persons are criticising the project on
behest of foreign powers.
This seems to be a continuation of Hambantota Port
which was taken by China on a 99-year lease for $ 1.2 billion. China lays
debt trap through massive infrastructure loan which the developing countries
fail to repay. On the other hand, India because of destructive second wave of
Covid-19 had to downturn its assistance to Sri Lanka. New Delhi also had to
defer its ‘Vaccine-Maitri’ because of shortage of vaccines in the country.
India is concerned as Port City of Colombo will become an overseas colony of
China and its influence would be enhanced manifold. Beijing has increased its
efforts of encircling India after it became member of ‘Quad’ and the Chinese
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Indian army are not only facing each other
but also involved in battles in eastern Ladakh and other places.
Sri Lanka on behest of China cancelled a trilateral
deal between India Japan and Sri Lanka to develop the East Container Terminal
of the Colombo Port. The present government changed the terms and conditions of
the U.S. investment of $ 450 million in Sri Lanka. The present government has
also annulled an agreement with Indian Oil Corporation. Although India
gave a $400-million currency swap to island nation but the talks for another $ 1
billion currency swap agreement could not be materialised.
Sri Lanka watchers claim that at present because of
Covid 19 pandemic the economic condition of Sri Lanka is considerably
deteriorated hence President Gotabaya who has close relations with China wants
to improve it through Chinese investment. President Xi Jinping wants to increase
Chinese influence in the area is taking advantage of the situation.
China is also making headway in the areas of Indian
dominance including rubber, tea, and coconut plantation with malafide intention
of striking out India. Chinese are also constructed 40,000 houses in Jaffna
district which is a Tamil dominated area. Gotabaya, also feels that in case
Tamil insurgency develops again it can be suppressed with Chinese assistance.
Both countries have defence relationship also and
China supplied different types of arms and ammunition to the island nation. Sri
Lanka got anti-tank guided missiles, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles,
rocket launchers, radars, and different types of communication equipment from
China. China is not only training Sri Lankan defence personnel but also
modernising its armed forces. In 2019 Sri Lankan ambassador in UN also signed a
joint letter with other countries and sent it to The United Nations Human Rights
Council (UNHRC) shielding Chinese atrocities on Uyghur Muslims.
India is genuinely concerned because of increasing
Chinese influence in the region. Hambantota and Colombo are less than 300 miles
from India. Pakistan is under full influence of China and after the coup in
Myanmar and imposition of sanctions by several countries Chinese influence has
increased multiple times in the country. The present Oli government in Nepal is
getting full support from China and Prime Minister Oli has already acted against
Indian interests and issued several anti-India statements. Although Bangladesh
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has cordial relations with India, but she is also
leaning towards Beijing. Recently Chinese ambassador in Bangladesh warned Dacca
that it should not join US led Quad alliance as it would damage to the
bilateral relations of both the countries.
In view of Chinese aggressive stratagem Indian
strategist has to plan a long-term strategy although it is difficult to counter
China which has deep pockets. Chinese economy is approximately five times
larger than India and more or less no vibrant opposition in the country. Indian
diplomatic missions in the neighbouring countries should try to convince the
masses that China is an expansionist country, and it would grab their areas.
The diplomatic missions in other countries should also put Indian viewpoints
more forcefully. Quad is a good initiative and there are several countries
including U.S., Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Germany, U.K., Canada, Sweden,
Norway, and others which are under pressure because of phenomenal economic rise
of China. The democratic countries also condemn China for human right
violations. India can try to be friendly with them although the help from
these countries will be extremely limited. India is also concerned as China is
encircling India by increasing its influence in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Tibet,
Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Nepal.
(Jai Kumar Verma is a Delhi-based strategic analyst and member of United
Services Institute of India and Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The
views in the article are solely the author’s. He can be contacted at editor.adu@gmail.com)
The New CPCEC Bill May Convert Sri Lanka into a Chinese Colony
The growing opposition to the Colombo Port City Economic Commission (CPCEC) bill brings to the centre stage the ulterior motives of China. India as well as its neighbours should be careful and alert
Jai Kumar Verma
Awide array of people including civil society workers, advocates, monks, opposition political parties including United National Party (UNP), the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), trade Unions and many others have filed multiple petitions in the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka against the bill captioned as Colombo Port City Economic Commission (CPCEC). The petitioners claimed that CPCEC contravenes constitution, labour rights and is against the sovereignty of the country. The petitioners asserted that the sovereignty of the country is under threat because of the extra ordinary powers given to the commission for the construction of Colombo Port City Project.
The proposed law stipulates to create a commission which would grant registrations, licenses, and any type of approval to conduct business in the special economic zone (SEZ) which would be created by the proposed law. The commission would also decide about the custom duty, taxation or its exemption, value-added tax (VAT), or decisions about casinos, gambling etc. The CPCEC would be authorised to take all decisions pertaining to SEZ.
The petitioners claimed that the Port City Commission would be against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country. They also mentioned that the concessions Chinese will be getting under the proposed law were neither given to the Sri Lankan nor to any other foreign business persons although they are in the business from several years and had better commitment. The proposed law also provides that the private auditors would audit the accounts and the auditor general will not be authorised to audit the accounts. In this way parliament would not have any control on CPCEC. The proposed bill also authorises president to nominate as well as sack the members of the commission.
The CPCEC would take off all powers of the parliament and mentions that all investment should be in foreign currency, and the disputes would be solved through arbitration and not by the courts. The activists claim that these provisions would finish the sovereignty of the country and would reduce Sri Lanka into a Chinese colony
The petitioners demanded that the CPCEC should be passed by a two-thirds majority from parliament and also through a referendum before it becomes the law. The CPCEC would take off all powers of the parliament and mentions that all investment should be in foreign currency, and the disputes would be solved through arbitration and not by the courts. The activists claim that these provisions would finish the sovereignty of the country and would reduce Sri Lanka into a Chinese colony.
Chinese port city project which commenced in 2014 was propagated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa as an investment centre to attract the foreign capital. The three kilometres financial centre is on reclaimed sea land at Galle Face seafront in middle of Colombo city. The project was initially suspended by Rajapaksa’s successor Sirisena, but later work commenced, and it was complete in 2018. The estimated cost of the project in 2017 was USD 15 billion and is part of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
The Sri Lankan people are concerned about the hefty loan given by China. In past Colombo failed to repay the debt and it had to surrender Hambantota port to China in 2017 in lieu of USD 1.2 billion for a 99-year lease. According to Sri Lankan law, all new bills have to be cleared by Supreme Court hence Jayantha Jayasuriya the Chief Justice of Supreme Court has appointed a 5-member bench to hear the petition. Chief Justice will head the bench.
After losing Hambantota, the intellectuals in Sri Lanka are becoming suspicious of Chinese intentions, hence the Chinese project – Colombo Port City (CPP) special economic zone (SEZ) is in controversy from the beginning. In Sri Lanka, the civil society is powerful and continuously work to slash the powers of executive president.
The opposition parties including Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and United National Party (UNP) though in favour of Colombo Port City project are against the proposed bill. Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa while criticising the bill stated that the bill if passed will make the country subservient to foreigners. Another SJB leader Lakshman Kiriella pointed out that if this bill is passed then 25 laws passed by the parliament will not be applicable on the SEZ which will become a safe haven for money laundering.
Anura Kumara Dissanayake leader of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) stated that if the proposed bill passed, Sri Lanka will be reduced to a “Chinese province”. He also mentioned that local businessmen would not be allowed to function in the Port City which may become a separate region where the local laws would not be applicable. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga former Sri Lankan President also remarked that Sri Lanka is becoming the ‘colony of China’ and stated that the people and parties who opposed the Colombo Port’s Eastern Container Terminal (ECT) with India are not opposing the present contract with China.
China and Sri Lanka have close military relationship and China sold several state-of-the-art weapons to Sri Lanka including rocket launchers, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank guided missiles, deep penetration bombs and rockets, mortars, security equipment, tanks, jets, naval vessels, radars, and communication equipment.
Wijeyadasa Rajapksa, Minister of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs, Agriculture Minister Mahindananda Aluthugame, former Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal and others defended the bill and mentioned that the people are criticising the bill on behest of foreign powers. Sri Lankans will get jobs in the SEZ and the local police has full jurisdiction on SEZ.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksha has close ties with China, and recently he talked to Chinese President Xi Jinping, where both leaders consented to augment bilateral ties to recover from the current pandemic. The Gotabaya government had changed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by his predecessor with U.S. on the investment of US$ 450 million. Not only this Gotabaya also revoked East Container Terminal (ECT) agreement in which besides India Japan was also a partner. The ECT was cancelled as there were protests by labour unions and Sinhala nationalists headed by monks. Same groups and many others are now opposing CPP, but the government instead of scrapping it, is defending the same. Sri Lanka also cancelled a deal with Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) pertaining to oil storage tanks.
Even if supreme court clears it after some changes and government passes it after some amendments the government would have to convince the masses that the SEZ would provide them employment because Chinese bring people from China to complete the projects. Government scrapped U.S., India, and Japanese projects where the locals get the employment. In Hambantota only Chinese were benefitted.
Besides capturing strategic areas in the region China which considers India as its prospective adversary is also encircling India. The Baloch nationalists claim that China has already occupied Gwadar Port, would exploit the vast mineral resources of Balochistan and water resources and arable land of Gilgit and Baltistan
China is spreading its wings in the areas like tea, rubber, and coconut plantation etc. where India was dominating. Recently China Railway Beijing Engineering Group Co. Ltd got contract to build 40,000 houses in Jaffna district.
China and Sri Lanka have close military relationship and China sold several state-of-the-art weapons to Sri Lanka including rocket launchers, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank guided missiles, deep penetration bombs and rockets, mortars, security equipment, tanks, jets, naval vessels, radars, and communication equipment. China is also modernizing Sri Lankan armed force and training its military personnel. In July 2019 Sri Lankan ambassador in UN signed a joint letter along with 50 other nations sent to UNHRC defending the Chinese treatment of Muslims including Uyghurs.
The strategic analysts claim that China allures financially weak countries to develop massive infrastructure and for that China provides loan, men, and material to construct the infrastructure. The infrastructure is so expensive and hidden terms of loan are so stringent that these countries fail to repay the loan and then China occupies these assets. As China brings men and material from China hence these projects do not generate employment and do not improve the financial conditions of the financially weaker countries. The debt repayment became more difficult due to Covid-19 pandemic. China’s is fulfilling this strategy through Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Besides capturing strategic areas in the region China which considers India as its prospective adversary is also encircling India. The Baloch nationalists claim that China has already occupied Gwadar Port, would exploit the vast mineral resources of Balochistan and water resources and arable land of Gilgit and Baltistan. The analysts claim that Beijing would exploit Pakistan through China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Pakistan cannot resist because of its feeble financial condition. The influence of China is constantly increasing in Nepal and pro-China elements are spreading anti-India sentiments. Hence India as well as its smaller neighbours should be careful about the ulterior motive of China.
(The writer is a Delhi-based strategic analyst and member of United Services Institute of India and Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The views in the article are solely of the author.)
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Home › Spotlight › Is it the devil & the deep
sea situation for Japan?
Is It The Devil & The Deep Sea
Situation For Japan?
- East &
South China Seas dominate Biden-Suga talks
The Author
By Jai Kumar Verma
New Delhi. 26 April 2021. All geo-political eyes were on Washington when Japanese Prime
Minister Yoshihide Suga met United States President Joe Biden
recently. Both the leaders are new to their hot seats and are still settling
down. And the Japanese PM’s first overseas visit to US reiterated that the two
geo-political allies are friends indeed.
This summit amidst corona times focussed on expansionist
China who is not only threatening Taiwan but attacked India and
shows its strength in South China Sea as well as East China sea. The meeting
was also Biden’s first in-person meeting with a foreign leader after taking
over as the president of U.S. in January 2021.
Both the leaders held a joint press conference in the Rose Garden
of White House in which Biden stresses on the U.S. promises about
the defence of Japan and made it clear that the U.S. is Japan’s treaty ally,
and they would “prove that democracies can still commit and win.” The bonhomie
was visible between the two leaders.
Suga informed that both of them also talked about “China’s
influence over the peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific, and the world at
large”. Suga further mentioned that “We agreed to oppose any attempts to change
the status quo by force or coercion in the East and South China Seas and
intimidation of others in the region.” Japanese Prime Minister also
commented that “we agreed on the necessity for each of us to engage in frank
dialogue with China, and in so doing, to pursue stability of international relations,
while upholding universal values.”
Japan is in difficult situation about its relations with U.S. and China.
U.S. guarantees the security of Japan while its economy depends largely on
China. U.S. and Japan had signed the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security
in 1951 at San Francisco, which was amended in 1960 in Washington DC
which states that in case of any attack on either Japan or on U.S.
forces in Japan, both countries together will face the danger and combat the
enemy. The treaty also provides that U.S. can maintain military bases in Japan
however Americans should not interfere in the domestic politics of the country.
Although the treaty was for 10 years but there was a provision that it will
continue unless one party gives one year notice for the dissolution of the
treaty, which is still continuing.
On the other hand, Japan is China’s third biggest trading partner, and
the current trade is about $317 billion. China which is Japan’s biggest export
market accounts for more than 20 percent of Japan’s total trade. Japan’s
investment in China is more than $ 124 billion at the end of 2018. In 2018
about 8.4. million Chinese visited Japan and spent about $13 billion. At
present about 800 thousand Chinese students are studying in Japan. Few months
ago Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister in an bilateral
talk had agreed to increase the economic cooperation to minimise the ill effect
of pandemic.
Prime Minister Suga mentioned in the joint communique with President
Biden about peace and stability in Taiwan and it also urged to solve the
dispute amicably. It is the first time after 1969 when Japanese Prime Minister
mentioned Taiwan with United States in a joint communique. In 1969 Richard
Nixon and Eisaku Sato had mentioned Taiwan in the joint statement. Suga also
mentioned that he and President Biden talked about their lives and careers. He
contended that “I think we were able to establish a good relationship of
It appears that Biden administration feels that China is progressing
very fast and soon it will challenge the lone super power status of the U.S.
hence China needs to be managed carefully. U.S. is withdrawing the troops from
Afghanistan so that more attention can be given to East Asia.
Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a
90-minute-long telephonic conversation with his Japanese counterpart before
Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to U.S.A. Wang Yi gave a strong message and a
‘timely reminder’ that Japan should not gang up with “certain superpower”
against China. Wang told that China has done its best to maintain bilateral
ties and now Tokyo being an independent country should not be carried away by
any country which is biased towards China. Wang also stated that Tokyo should
not interfere in the matters related to Hongkong and Xinjiang which are
internal matters of China.
According to Global Times Wang Jian an expert with the Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences mentioned that the phone call was a clear warning that Japan
should not conspire with U.S. against China. U.S. does not want cordial
relations between Japan and China. Beijing also threatened that China-Japan
ties will go down sharply if Japan is involved in the Taiwan question. China
also warned that Japan besides U.S. is also building up military ties with
other countries. A British aircraft carrier would take part in joint exercise
with the U.S. and Japan this year. Japan and Germany’s foreign and defence
ministers would hold two plus two dialogue on line in April.
The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), which is known as the Quad
has four members including Japan, U.S., India, and Australia. Quad was
constituted on the initiative of Japan and the alliance is to defend against
the expansionist designs of China. President Xi Jinping has made
wide-spread territorial claims and also deployed ships and frigates in South
and East China seas. According to Taiwanese Defence Ministry 25 Chinese
war planes intruded into Taiwan’s air defence identification zone on 12 April
which is a major breach in Taiwan’s airspace.
In view of Chinese aggressive posture Suga was eager to meet Biden and
the one-to-one meeting was fixed despite COVID 19 pandemic. In the joint
statement besides Taiwan, they also expressed concern about human right
violations in Hong Kong and about persecution of Muslim minority groups
especially Uighur Muslims residing in Xinjiang Autonomous Region in Northwest
China. Although Suga tried to be cautious not to hurt China but he was more
outspoken in comparison to his predecessors. Besides the historical differences
between Japan and China there are disputes pertaining to Japan controlled
Senkaku Islands on which China stakes claim. Taiwan is also an issue of
difference, Japanese- American security treaty, Japanese chemical weapons
discarded in China and issue of war reparations are also bone of contention
between Japan and China. Japan is also concerned as China has developed
military installations on disputed territories in the South China Sea.
U.S. ships are regularly patrolling in the area although China claims
the area as its territory. Biden has approached U.S. allies so that a joint
front can be made against China. Suga also planned to visit India and
Philippines in late April and early May but the visits had to be postponed due
to spread of coronavirus pandemic. It appears that Japan is afraid of China’s
expansionist policies and wants international assistance especially of U.S. to
counter China. Suga also wanted to visit India as China has border dispute with
India and Delhi stood firm against China in border clashes.
A look at Japan’s situation gives a feeling that the Asian giant is in
the devil and the deep sea situation. Both US and China are important to it ,
and it will have to walk on a tight rope. Security dependency on US and
economic on China makes Japan akin to a tomato in the geopolitical sandwich.
But probably Suga will find a way to manage this situation with ease just as
his predecessor did.
(Jai Kumar Verma is a Delhi-based
strategic analyst and member of United Services Institute of India and The
Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The views in the
article are solely the author’s. He can be contacted at editor.adu@gmail.com)
Quad is to
Check on Chinese Assertiveness in Indo-Pacific
Quad is very important for the world especially for
India as it may work as a check on the expansionist designs of China.
Nonetheless the members of Quad must explain its mandate that the alliance is
for securing the economic and security interests of all the countries
Jai Kumar Verma
A summit of Quadrilateral Security
Dialogue (QSD, also known as the Quad) was held on March 12. Quad which is an
informal strategic dialogue between the United States, Japan, Australia, and
India discussed regional and global issues and also agreed that Indo-Pacific
region should remain free and open to all. Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated,
“Quad has come of age and will remain an important pillar of stability in the
Indo-Pacific region.” He also mentioned that it is an expansion of India’s
principle of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.
Besides Indian Prime Minister, the meeting was also
addressed by US President Joe Biden and others. Biden asserted that “The Quad
is going to be a vital arena for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and I look
forward to working closely with all the leaders.”
The South China Sea as well as East China Sea are
not only important for global trade but also possess lot of minerals including
oil. The world at large including Europe, US, India, Japan, and other countries
are concerned about the expansionist designs of China. Beijing asserts
authority over South China sea, but the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan,
and Brunei also put counterclaims. However, interventionist China has
constructed men made islands and now militarising these islands. In East China
Sea Dokdo/ Takeshima island is administered by South Korea but claimed by Japan
while Senkaku/ Diaoyu is claimed by China but administered by Japan.
The South China Sea as well as East
China Sea are not only important for global trade but also possess lot of
minerals including oil. The world at large including Europe, US, India, Japan,
and other countries are concerned about the expansionist designs of China
In reality US, the lone super power, has not put
any claim on this area, but it is participating in Quad and also contested
Chinese territorial claims and the deployment of warships and fighter jets in
the area. US understands that China is progressing very fast and mineral rich
South and East China Sea are important areas hence Beijing must be stopped
Quad is important for India too as it can counter
the aggressive designs of China at the land as well as maritime borders. China
has built its first overseas base in Djibouti and its undesirable activities in
Indian Ocean has alarmed India, Japan, and other countries. In 2007 Shinzo Abe,
the then Prime Minister of Japan, had proposed about Quad but it could not be
materialised as Australia under pressure from China refused to join it.
However, in December 2012 Shinzo Abe again proposed it and in November 2017
India, US, Japan, and Australia established Quad with specific purpose to keep
the Indo-Pacific free from any interference of any power, especially China.
Importance of Quad
It was on the sidelines of the summit of
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) held in Manila when four
countries India, US, Japan, and Australia constituted Quad. The basic objective
of Quad is to keep Indo-Pacific region free and open so that no country can
dominate it. Free and open Indo-Pacific region is beneficial, and it will serve
the long-term interest of all the countries. The Quad was needed so that the
belligerence and monopolisation of China can be restrained through the joint
effort. The Chinese aggressiveness was increasing not only in South China Sea,
but it was also threatening India and Bhutan on land borders.
Quad is important for India too as it
can counter the aggressive designs of China at the land as well as maritime
borders. China has built its first overseas base in Djibouti and its
undesirable activities in Indian Ocean has alarmed India, Japan, and other
Quad will also handle the rising problem of
terrorism and nuclear proliferation. It will also deal with the nuclear and
missile programme of North Korea. As US and Japan are the members of Quad the
various developmental projects of other countries can be financed.
The four-nation strategic alliance is important for
India as through it New Delhi can expand its interests in East Asia. It will
also strengthen its relations with US, Japan, and Australia. Better relations
with US will be advantageous as it may safeguard India’s interest while
formulating policies towards Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the region while India
can also take advantage of Japan’s technological advancement and its deep
pockets. That apart, in case of Chinese incursion on Indian borders, members of
Quad would come for India’s assistance.
Japanese foreign minister suggested that Britain
and France should also join Quad, however, it may not be beneficial at this
stage. Inclusion of US and Japan in the region through Quad would diminish the
significance of India. China wanted to open its diplomatic mission in Bhutan
but India blocked it. However, if US also like to open its consulate in Bhutan
it will be difficult for India to avert it. India objected the presence of
Chinese navy in Sri Lanka but now it will not be feasible to stop the presence
of US and Japanese naval ships. It appears that the global alliance will change
India’s regional aspirations. The analysts also claim that India is becoming a
part of US China rivalry which may not be beneficial for the country.
The Quad was needed so that the belligerence
and monopolisation of China can be restrained through the joint effort. The
Chinese aggressiveness was increasing not only in South China Sea, but it was
also threatening India and Bhutan on land borders
The world Bank, Asian Development Bank and other
international financial organisations should liberally fund the infrastructure
projects in the region so that the dependence of the smaller countries can be
reduced on China and they do not fall in the debt-trap of China. At present
China is very aggressively promoting Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and several
countries are falling prey to it. India and Japan have discussed about
“Asia-Africa Growth Corridor” and now both countries with the help of US and other
financial institutions should start implementing it. India should continue
emphasising its neighbourhood first policy which is very useful.
China is strengthening itself very rapidly and it
is dangerous for India. In reality India needs countries which may help it
against China. Indian and Chinese forces are fighting at the borders as China
is illegally occupying Indian territory and still claims much more areas. China
helps Pakistan against India on Kashmir issue. On Cross border terrorism US
tries to put pressure on Pakistan while Beijing favours Islamabad. China blocks
India’s membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) as well as permanent
membership in UN Security Council. US helps India at both these associations.
China is selling finished goods to India and balance of payment is exceedingly
in favour of China. India may try to diversify its economy through Quad.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) weakens India’s territorial sovereignty,
and it increases undue influence of China. In last India needs US and others to
counter rising Chinese influence and assertiveness.
However, China is very critical of Quad and alleges
that it is parallel to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Asia
region. Beijing is also critical of Quad as it wanted to dominate the maritime
space in South and East China Seas which is much more important than capturing
some areas in Himalayas. South and East China Seas are also important as bulk
of Chinese trade passes from there. The daily tabloid, Global Times, which is
published under the aegis of Chinese Communist Party’s flagship People’s Daily
is known for fabrications and disinformation, mentioned in an article in March
this year that India’s coalition with US, Japan and Australia is a “negative
asset” for the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). The
paper further mentions that for India, Quad is a contradiction and it will
worsen its relations with China and Russia. The paper further alleges that
India took the advantage of BRICS on terrorism etc. and now through Quad is
trying to ‘blackmail’ China while US will use India against China.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI) weakens India’s territorial sovereignty, and it increases undue influence
of China. In last India needs US and others to counter rising Chinese influence
and assertiveness
Quad is very important for the world especially for
India as it may work as a check on the expansionist designs of China.
Nonetheless the members of Quad must explain its mandate that the alliance is
for securing the economic and security interests of all the countries. The
littoral states must be convinced that Quad is for the regional benefit and it
is not a military alliance as propagated by China. Countries like Indonesia and
Singapore may be invited to join Quad. As India needs to play an important role
in the region, a new division may be created in Ministry of External Affairs to
deal with the Indo-Pacific region. The MEA should also formulate a
comprehensive policy about the existing and forthcoming maritime challenges.
-The writer is a New Delhi-based strategic analyst
and member of USI and MP-IDSA. The views in the article are solely of the
author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Raksha Anirveda
Pitiable Condition of Muslims in
There are about 20.32 million Muslims in China. The
Uighur Muslims who are Turkic-speaking people are concentrated in Xinjiang region, which is the
biggest state in the country. Uighurs are
fighting for an independent nation. The State Administration for
Religious Affairs (SARA) claim that there are about 36,000 Islamic places of
worship, about 45,000 Imams and 10 Islamic Schools in the country. The Xinjiang region which is strategically
important is 1.5 times of Pakistan and 12 times bigger than Bangladesh. It
borders eight countries including India, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. There are several
nationalist organisations in Xinjiang region, and they are fighting for the
independence of the region. The administration locked large number of mosques,
madrassas and other seminaries, fasting was prohibited during the holy month of
Ramadan. Muslims are barred from wearing traditional Muslim attire and are not
allowed to keep the beard. Muslims are prohibited to celebrate their religious
festivals, while women are forbidden to wear Burqa. Chinese government have
established concentration camps but gave them a polished name “Vocational
Education and Training Centres” (VETC). In these camps the detainees
have to undergo torture, rape, sterilization or even unnatural abuses. Muslim
children are separated from their parents and kept in boarding schools. The Uighur
nationalist organisations allege that vital organs of the captives in the camp
are removed and sold in international market without their knowledge and
permission. Chinese government should stop atrocities on Muslims especially on Uighur
Muslims. They must get religious freedom and should be allowed to follow their
religious rituals. The effort of the Chinese government to change the
demography of the area by settling more and more Han Chinese and Hui Muslims is
unproductive and the resentment and secessionist feeling among Uighurs is
increasing. In view of
China’s exploitation of minorities, the diverse human right organisations as
well as the free world must boycott China’s products so that it is hurt
economically. President Xi Jinping should also stop repression and maltreatment
of the minorities. Although the free world including USA are taking action
against China, but the Muslim countries should also condemn China and start
boycotting their products.
are an important minority group in People’s Republic of China and the Muslim
population was around 20.32 million in 2012 which is about 1.64 percent of
China’s total population and about 20 percent of Chinese ethnic population. (6)
recognises about 55 minority groups and out of that 10 groups are of Sunni
Muslims. Hui Muslims are the largest Muslim group in China, but they are spread
all over China and adhere to Chinese way of life. At present Chinese government
has problem with Uighur Muslims as they have concentration in Xinjiang
autonomous region which is the biggest region in China. Significant number of
Muslims also reside in Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai provinces of China.
reached China about 1400 years ago from the northwest through the silk route
and from southeast through Canton. According to census of 2000, Hui is the
biggest Muslim group consisting of 9.8 million, Uighur Muslims are 8.4 million,
Kazakh 1.25 million, Dongxiang 514,000, Kyrgyz 144,000, Uzbeks (125,000), Salar (105,000),
Tajik (41,000), Bonan (17,000) and Tatar (5,000).
Besides these there are Tibetan Muslims also. According to a 2009 study of Pew
Research Centre there are about 21,667,000 Muslims in China which is about 1.6
percent of the total population. The 2000 census also mentions that there are
about 20 million Muslims in China. As Chinese are bent upon crushing Muslims
especially Uighur Muslims by not allowing them to follow their religious rites
hence Uighurs feel that not only their religion, but their historical
traditions and culture are also in danger.
State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) mentions that about 21
million Muslims are residing in China. The basic reason of spread of Islam in
China is that Chinese people travel to Islamic countries for education and Haj
however Muslims were prevented for going to Haj during Cultural Revolution, but
Chinese government allowed Muslims to go for Haj w.e.f.1979. SARA claims that there are about 36,000 Islamic places of worship, about
45,000 Imams and 10 Islamic Schools in the country. The Muslim population
in China is not growing fast as it is happening in other Asian countries
because Muslims are coerced to practice one child norm due to stringent
government policies. The Imams are also forced to preach them to restrict the
population and also narrate the benefits of population control. The majority
Muslims are Sunnis while Shias are mainly Ismailis. (2)
Zedong Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC) eradicated capitalism and
traditional elements from China under Cultural Revolution which mainly worked
from 1966 to 1976. During the Cultural Revolution religious buildings including
mosques, temples, churches and Buddhist monasteries were demolished. The
religious books of all religions including Muslims were also destroyed by Red
In 1975
Hui Muslims revolted against the Cultural Revolution, nevertheless the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) and the Chinese government termed it as an Islamic
uprising and the Red Guards attacked Hui Muslims, demolished mosques and forced
Hui Muslims to put pig’s heads around their necks. The PLA troops demolished
about 4000 houses and massacred about 1600 Hui Muslims in one week. Later
Chinese government apologised the massacre and blamed Gang of Four for the
attack. Government also built a memorial; however, the locals discard it and do
not pay homage in the state built memorial.
Again, on
1st March 2014 few knife-wielding Muslims stabbed the passengers in
the Kunming railway station. The attackers killed more than 30 passengers while
about 140 people were injured. The police shot dead four attackers while three
got death sentence and one-woman attacker was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Later the enquiry revealed that the attackers were not Hui Muslims but Uighur
Muslims who came from Xinjiang autonomous region where they are fighting for an
independent country. Nonetheless the Kunming attackers were given shelter in
Shadian. Hence Chinese call Shadian as
“China’s Islamic State.” (1)
Muslims have adopted Chinese culture and claim that they have “Islam with
Chinese characteristics.” Chinese have also given some religious freedom to
them. In 1989 China proscribed a book captioned as “Xing Fengsu”, which
offended Islam and also arrested its authors. The police also gave protection
to Hui Muslims who protested against the writing and publishing of the book.
Chinese government also arranged the public burning of the book. Hui Muslims
are also allowed to practice some tenets of Islam while Uighurs are under
severe restrictions.
Hui Muslims
Hui Muslims are largest Muslim group in China but there are several
sects in Huis and there are bitter fights between these sects. The history of
sectarian fight can be traced to Jahriyya rebellion in 1780 and 1895, however
the latest struggle was in 1990 in Ningxia autonomous region in north-central
China. The different Hui sects do not marry in other sects. The influence of
Wahabi and Salafi sects is increasing in China as Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar donate money so that Salafi mosques and Madrasas are
constructed. Few Salafi extremists had also gone to Iraq and Syria to join
Islamic State (IS).
In-fights between Hui and Uighur Muslims
There are several causes of infights between Huis and Uighur Muslims.
The basic reason was that Hui Muslims working in security forces especially in
Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) quelled the rebellion of Uighurs mercilessly in
Xinjiang autonomous region. The Hui population increased about 520 percent in
Uighur dominated Xinjiang province between 1940 and 1982. In a calculated move
China changed the demography of Xinjiang region, Uighurs were 90 percent of the
population till 1949 while Han population was about 4 percent. However now the
Uighur population is reduced to less than 55 percent while Han, Hui and others
population became about 45 percent of Xinjiang region. The Chinese are not only
targeting Uighur Muslims but also keeping about 3 million Kazakh, Kyrgyz and
other Muslims in concentration camps. Uighurs who were fighting for an
independent nation became suspicious of the phenomenal growth of Hui Muslims in
Xinjiang region. In 2009 Uighurs revolted and killed about 200 persons. Uighur
extremists also shouted slogans “Kill the Han, kill the Hui.” In past Hui
troops also massacred large number of Uighurs and they criticise Uighurs for their
separatist movement. Hui has adopted China as their home and speak Chinese
language. Uighurs also claim that Hui smuggle drug in Xinjiang region. (3
Tibetan Muslims
Tibetan Muslims are mostly Hui and there is lot of animosity between
Tibetans and Muslims residing in Tibet. Riots broke out between Tibetans and
Muslims in 2008. Tibetans alleged that Muslims are cannibals and burnt their
hotels and homes in which several Muslims were also charred. In 2008 Tibetans
also burnt the mosques. Hui Muslims supported Chinese government in crushing
the Tibetan uprising. Tibetans also boycott Muslims and justify US attacks on
Iraq and Afghanistan. Tibetans oppose burial by Muslims and attack their
cemeteries. As Hui support Chinese hence Tibetans attack Hui Muslims to show
their resentment towards Chinese. (3)
are the main separatist organisations of Uighurs.
East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is also known
as Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and Turkistan Islamic
Movement (TIM). It is most important Uighur organisation which is
fighting for the independence of East Turkestan. Their ideology is based on
Islamic fundamentalism, Salafi Jihadism and Uighur nationalism. The
organisation is an Islamic extremists party which was established by Uighur
jihadists. They profess that Uighurs
cannot live with Chinese hence they need a separate homeland which they will
take through violence. The outfit wants to establish an Islamic Caliphate in
Xinjiang region which will include some parts of Central Asia also. The
organisation which is active since 1988 has influence in Xinjiang Region of
China, North Waziristan area of Pakistan, Badakhshan of Afghanistan, some areas
of Central Asia and in some parts of Syria also. There are reports that the ETIM
has also contacts with terrorist organisations like Al-Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Taliban
Pakistan (TTP), Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
A Chinese report of 2002 claims that the ETIM was
involved in about 200 terrorist acts between 1990 to 2001 in which more than
162 people were killed while about 440 were injured. In 2002 UN Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee
listed ETIM as a terrorist organisation. Besides UN several countries including
China, European Union, United States, United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates,
Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkey declared ETIM a terrorist
Yusuf founded East Turkistan Islamic Party (ETIP) in 1989 however in 1997 Hasan
Mahsum and Abudukadir Yapuquan changed it to present organisation. ETIM had
full support from Afghan Taliban and it shifted its Hqrs to Kabul in 1998.
However, the organisation was considerably weakened when US bombarded the area
and Pakistan killed Hasan Mahsum in a raid in 2003. There is a long list of
terrorist activities carried out by the outfit.
East Turkistan Liberation Organisation
The East Turkestan Liberation Organisation
(ETLO) was established in 2000 by Mehmet Emin Hazret in Turkey to fight the
Chinese and to establish an independent Uighur country in Xinjiang region with
the name of East Turkestan. ETLO was declared a terrorist organisation by few
countries including China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. China government alleged
that ETLO cadres carried out 15 arson cases in Urumqi while in 1999 ETLO
workers attacked several Chinese in Turkey and the local police arrested 10
ETLO workers for attacking Han Chinese. The Amnesty International also reported
that Chinese government use the term “separatism” but in fact several times the
protests are peaceful. Chinese have used all types of repressive measures and
thousands of Uighurs were charged under different Criminal Laws and either
imprisoned or awarded death sentences because they were charged under
secessionist laws. The analysts claim that Chinese security agencies embellish
the activities of these groups so that they can use more repressive measures. Chinese
security agencies also claimed that they arrested an ETLO terrorist after
encounter and he claimed that he was trained in Afghanistan. The Amnesty
International also mentioned that the allegations levelled by Chinese security
agencies against the Uighur separatists were generally “uncorroborated” and the
security agencies failed to provide the evidences. Chinese security agencies
work on the basis of confessions which are obtained from the Uighur separatists
including ETLO members through torture and persecution. (7)
One ETLO leader namely Hazret told Radio
Free Asia that ETLO wants to use peaceful means to achieve its goal but in view
of the ruthlessness of Chinese security agencies the outfit needs a military
wing. He also mentioned that ETLO wants the independence of Xinjiang region.
The ETLO was declared a terrorist organisation by the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO)
members including China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The ETLO is mainly active in Xinjiang region but
has also influence in Central Asia and Pakistan. The ETLO has also contacts
with East Turkestan Islamic Movement and the Taliban. (7)
United Revolutionary Front of East
The United Revolutionary Front of East
Turkestan (URFET) is an armed separatist organisation which is fighting for the
independence of Xinjiang region. The outfit is led by Yusupbek Mukhlisi, he
along with other important leaders of URFET are operating from Almaty capital
city of Kazakhstan. Soviet Union supported the URFET till 1989 but in 2001 it
merged with Uyghur Liberation Organisation (ULO). The present name of the new
outfit is Uyghurstan People’s Party. (9)
Uyghuristan People’s Party (UPP)
Uighur Liberation Organisation (ULO) is a
secessionist organisation which is fighting for the independence of Xinjiang
region, nonetheless in September 2001 it was merged with Uyghur Liberation
Organisation (ULO) and a new organisation emerged with the name of Uyghuristan People’s Party (UPP). It was a
Kazakhstan based party but could not be very active because of limitations
imposed by the host country on unregistered parties. In Kazakhstan unregistered
parties are not allowed to hold formal conferences. Although in principle UPP
rejects terrorism but differentiates between civilian targets and military
targets. (9 &13)
Turkistan Islamic Party
The Turkish Islamic Party (TIP) worked
silently till it participated in Syrian civil war in 2013. The Afghanistan and
Pakistan based TIP released videos and also started Isom Awazi (Voice of Islam)
under which it propagated about the violent activities of the outfit. The TIP
fighters besides fighting in Xinjiang region also fought under the banner of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) in Afghanistan. US arrested few Uighur militants in
Afghanistan and the arrested militants revealed that several dozen Uighurs were
fighting against US troops. The TIP militants left China and took refuge in
Afghanistan when Chinese security forces started suppressing the Uighur
nationalists. Several Uighur militants escaped to Afghanistan and in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of
Pakistan. (10)
TIP militants claim that
they were involved in several terrorist activities out of which following were
prominent. However, there are no evidences to prove their claim.
(I)two bus bombings in
Kunming just before Beijing Olympics in 2008.
(II)Mass stabbing attack in Kashgar in
2011, a car-bombing in Tiananmen square in October 2013 in which several
foreigners were killed.
(III) In April 2014 double suicide
bombing at Urumqi Railway station.
(IV) In May 2014 car-bombings and
explosions at an Urumqi market in which dozens of persons were killed.
World Uyghur Congress
The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) is an
organisation of exiled Uighurs who are working for the interest of Uighurs in Xinjiang region of China as well as abroad. Uighurs
call Xinjiang region as East Turkestan. WUC claims that it is a nonviolent
organisation and it works against the oppression of Chinese and its illegal
occupation of East Turkestan. It also opposes totalitarianism, religious
intolerance and terrorism. The organisation gets funding from National
Endowment for Democracy (NED) of U.S.A. Consequent upon the merger of East Turkistan National Congress and the World
Uyghur Youth Congress, the WUC
came into existence on 16 April 2004 in Munich, Germany. The WUC leadership is
democratically elected and they have a fixed tenure of three years and it has close
relations with all Uighur organisations. The WUC exposes the human right
violations by Chinese government in Xinxiang province and it also works closely
with U.S.A., European Union, United Nations and Human Right Organisations and
different NGOs. (11)
Vocational Education and Training Centres
Chinese government have
established concentration camps but gave them a refined name “Vocational
Education and Training Centres” (VETC). These VETC
which are also known as re-education campus work under Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous
Regional government. The Uighur nationalist
organisations allege that the vital organs of the inhabitants of these camps
are removed without their permission and sold in international market. Besides
Uighurs, Muslims of other sects are also forced to live in these camps and
their organs are taken out without their permission. It is also reported that
23 countries had submitted a letter to UNO in which they condemned the cases of
human right violations in China in 2019. In 2018 BBC news also published an
investigative report on the basis of satellite imagery and witnesses account
that hundreds of thousands of Muslims especially Uighurs were kept in these
camps without any trial. The US State Department also claim that between 1 million
to 3 million people were kept in these concentration camps. The Uighur
nationalist leaders claim that Chinese want to annihilate Uighur Muslims from
China. According to reports the Muslims are kept in these camps for keeping
beards, refusing to consume alcohol or in suspicion of their involvement in
religious activities. In these camps the detainees have to undergo torture,
rape, sterilization or even unnatural abuses. Muslim children are separated
from their parents and kept in boarding schools. The detainees of these camps
are used as labourers and forced to work in mills and factories. Not only this,
government depute government officials to live with Muslim families and if they
practice Islam then they are declared as religious fanatics and forcibly put in
these camps. Besides religious places Government also destroyed or removed
signboards written in Arabic language.
As more and more countries are
criticising and condemning China for detention of Muslims in the VETC, Chinese
government claimed that the number of VETC are reduced however the researchers
of Australian Strategic Policy Institute recently released a report in which
they mentioned that the number of VETC are increasing. This fact is also
confirmed by the satellite images which clearly show massive buildings which
are surrounded by barbed wire fitted tall fortifications with watch towers.
These buildings have security arrangements akin to prisons. The buildings are
so massive that more than 10,000 persons can be imprisoned at a time. China declined
to tell the number of VETC and the prisoners in these camps. The knowledgeable
sources claim that there are about 380 detention centers in Xinjiang province
alone. There are several extrajudicial captives in these camps. The Chinese
government has already put several restrictions so that foreign journalists
fail to investigate the reality of these camps. Chinese security forces take
only the selected journalists to these camps and that too on choreographed
tours. (14)
Inhuman atrocities on Uighur Muslims
authoritarian and expansionist communist regime does not tolerate any type of
dissent and crush it with iron fist. The Uighur Muslims are Turkic-speaking
people and are in majority in Xinjiang autonomous region. The Xinjiang region which is strategically important is 1.5 times of
Pakistan and 12 times bigger than Bangladesh. It borders eight countries
including India, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Out of these eight countries five are Muslim
majority nations. The Islamic radical elements of these Muslim countries
especially of Pakistan and Afghanistan assist Uighur separatist elements. The
Chinese administrators in Xinjiang also complain that Uighur separatist
elements get training in guerrilla warfare, fire arms and Jihadi ideology in
Pakistan as well as in Afghanistan. In the current circumstances China assists
Afghan Taliban so that they can counter the Islamic State in Afghanistan. China
is averse to the idea of Islamic State (IS) becomes stronger in Afghanistan.
The Xinjiang region is spread over 1.6 million KMs
and has the total population of 25 million people. The main ethnic groups in
the state are Uighurs, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, Han, Tibetans, Hui, Tajiks, Mongols, Russians and Xibe however the largest
ethnic group in the province is of Uighur Muslims. Although it is the biggest
province but only 9.7 percent area is fit for human inhabitation.
Chinese intelligence agencies are not only involved
in collection of intelligence but also launch disinformation campaign against
various organisations which are fighting for the human right violations in the
country. Chinese government besides Ministry of State Security (MSS) which is
the main intelligence agency of China also collects intelligence through the
United Front Work Department, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and several other
front organisations. Chinese intelligence agencies also collect information
through cyber spying, signal intelligence as well as human intelligence. MSS is
very active in collecting intelligence about various dissident organisations
including information about independence movements of Tibetans and Uighurs. The
Chinese also collect information about Taiwan and democratic movement of Hong
The Uighur Muslims are closer to the
inhabitants of Central Asian Countries then the Chinese, but China has adopted
a long-term strategy and changing the demography of the province. Government
has settled large number of Han Chinese as well as Hui Muslims. The 2000 census
disclosed that the number of registered Han people rose about 40 percent while
there are large number of unregistered Han Chinese also. The Han people are not
only better educated but they have support of the government hence they get
better jobs and earn more than the local Uighur Muslims. The difference in
living standard between Han and Uighurs has become visible and it also generated
animosity between them. (4)
Chinese government put stringent
restrictions on Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang
region as the government was determined to punish Uighur Muslims. The
administration closed large number of mosques, madrassas while several
seminaries were also locked. Muslims were prevented from wearing traditional
Muslim attire and they were not allowed to keep the beard or observe fast in
the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims are not allowed to celebrate their religious
festivals while women are prohibited to wear Burqa.
According to Amnesty International report of 2013,
Chinese government prohibited even the cultural activities of Muslims in the
province. Uighur Muslims in particular and several other sects of Muslims in
China mention that the government is methodically destroying Islam from the
country. The Uighurs claim that as Islam is in danger, they have opted for
terrorism and uprising. The government is committing all types of atrocities on
bloggers, people maintaining websites or anybody writing anything against
government. All newspapers and magazines are writing fabricated stories against
Muslims and not giving the true picture. (4)
Uighurs who were able to
escape from China are worried about the welfare of their family members as the
Chinese security agencies torture them and press them to recall the escaped Uighurs.
Although the Muslim states did not criticise China but US has started taking
actions against Chinese suppression of Muslims especially Uighur Muslims. US
levied sanctions against Xinjiang
Production and Construction Corps and also put curbs
on import of clothing, cotton, tomatoes etc. House of Representative also
passed a resolution prohibiting all imports from Xinjiang province unless they
prove that the articles were not produced through forced labour. Human Right
organisations claim that Chinese security agencies have apprehended about one
million Muslims comprising Uighurs, Kazakhs and other Muslims. Sometimes back
United States, Britain and Germany had criticised the Chinese government in
United Nations for human right violations and atrocities on Muslims.
According to Dr Adrian Zenz who has a vast
knowledge on Uighurs claimed that China is forcibly reducing the population of
Uighurs through compulsory sterilisation and birth control. Both the government
and Communist Party of China (CCP) are implementing these measures with
ulterior motive of suppressing the Uighurs rebellion. The analysts comment that
CCP and Chinese administration are bent upon implementing the policy of Chinese
Nation Race and violate human rights of the minorities. (18)
Chinese intelligence agencies which have mastered
the art of hacking have launched an enormous hacking campaign against the
Uighurs. Chinese authorities confiscate the mobile phones of Uighurs and return
them after fitting spyware in these phones. The Chinese security agencies are
able to monitor the activities of Uighurs not only in China but abroad too
through forcibly fitted spywares in mobile phones. The intelligence agencies
are also keeping the record of voice prints, facial images, blood samples and
other personal details of the Uighurs which can be used against them in case of
necessity. Chinese security agencies also monitor different apps installed in
the phones and computers of the Uighurs. Toronto-based Munk School of Public
Affairs has also confirmed about the electronic monitoring by Chinese security
agencies. In view of the illegal activities of Huawei Technologies Company and ZTE groups the US
Federal Communications Commission has labelled them as national threat.
Although security forces
cruelly repress the demonstrations, protests or agitations but Muslims
especially Uighurs continued with their independence movement. In 2009 Uighurs
resorted to riots in which more than 200 persons were killed. Though security
forces resorted to mayhems, but the rebellion could be quelled only after much
efforts. An effort of Uighurs to hijack a plane in 2012 was foiled and two
Uighurs were killed mercilessly. Uighurs also attacked police stations. Again
in 2013 Uighurs attacked security forces in Shanshan county in which about 27
persons were killed. In 2014 Uighurs resorted to several terrorist activities
including a bomb blast in Urumqi in which more than 43 people were killed and
about 100 injured. Cases of rioting occurred at Urmi Railway Station, in
Yarkant county and at Luntai county, in these riots more than 250 persons were
killed while few thousand people were injured.
Chinese security forces are
ruthless in dealing with Muslims especially Uighurs who are suspected to be
involved in secessionist activities. In January 2016 security forces eliminated
three Uighurs suspected to be involved in the attack in Moyu county in 2015.
Four Uighurs butted their car full of explosives in a government building in
Karakax county in which one person was killed while three others were injured.
The security forces immediately eliminated four suspected Uighur terrorists.
Chinese authorities also confiscated passports of Uighurs residing in that
area. However, the human right activists claim that the security forces have
increased the restrictions. As the atrocities of Chinese security forces
increased, Uighurs also augmented the frequency of riots, protests and violent
activities. (4&5)
Nonetheless, the media does
not cover the protests and Chinese security agencies award severe punishments
if the photographs of these protests, demonstrations and brutality of security
forces are put on social media. The security forces adopted several other draconian measures including arrests under suspicion, severe
cruelty during interrogation, police checks at unearthly hours, arrests of
large number of people and punitive judgments even giving death sentences on
suspicion. Chinese adopted these harsh measures to break the moral of the
In January 2017 the Chairman
of Xinjiang region mentioned that the Uighurs are crossing the border and the
neighbouring countries are imparting weapon training as well as training in
guerrilla warfare to these separatist elements. These Uighur terrorists carry
out terrorist activities after getting training from the neighbouring
countries. He further mentioned that because these terrorists are crossing the
border, hence he put stern restrictions on the border areas. Although the
Chairman and other Chinese leaders did not take the name of Pakistan, but they
claim that the separatist elements are getting training in Pakistan as well as
in Afghanistan. According to intelligence sources the Chairman and other office
bearers unofficially told Pakistan to be more vigilant on the borders and
should also stop the terrorist outfits which are imparting training to Muslim
separatists. Pakistan should also stop infiltration and exfiltration of the
terrorists in its area.
Chinese leaders claim that the
separatists leaders who are residing comfortably abroad are instigating the
Uighur masses for uprising. However, the China watchers claim that it is an
indigenous movement which was generated because Chinese had not given rights to
Muslims especially Uighurs. They tried to crush the movement by brute force and
by trying to change the demography of the area. The mass settlement of Han and
Hui Muslims generated a fear psychosis in Uighurs and the rebellion augmented.
The Uighurs are suffering from religious discrimination and poverty. Chinese
are also against Uighurs as they are against China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) and claim that it is not beneficial for Xinjiang region. CPEC is an
important part of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which was initiated by China
in 2013 under the name of One Belt One Road (OBOR) and it is the dream project
of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Uighurs claim that they would obstruct the
construction of CPEC which connects Gwadar Port with Xinjiang province.
Way Forward
Jinping is President of People’s Republic of China since 2013 is in great hurry
to make the country not only the super power but the most powerful nation of
the world. He launched the BRI which is a global infrastructure
development project under which Chinese government would invest in about 70
countries. It is spread in Asia, Africa,
Europe, Middle East and Americas and may establish the supremacy of China. President
Xi Jinping intends to upsurge China’s influence in several countries of the
world. However,
to complete his dream project Jinping is also suppressing his own countrymen
and in this minorities are the biggest victim. In minorities Muslims particularly
Uighur Muslims who have concentration in Xinjiang region and fighting for an independent nation are the main victims.
Uighur separatists also claim
that the majority inhabitants of Xinjiang province want to secede from China
and there should be an impartial referendum under the supervision of United
Nations. Although it is a fact that residents of Xinjiang region want to secede
from China but there is no solidarity between various separatist organisations.
The secessionists outfits are divided on three main principles i.e Muslim
religion, separate nation for Uighurs and lastly the linkage with Turkey.
Nonetheless as China is their common enemy hence all groups should work
together to achieve the success. China should stop its assistance to Pakistan
as the latter is a terrorist state and there are several terrorist outfits
which are not in the control of government and they would continue assisting
Uighur secessionist elements on the name of Islam. Pakistan government has
neither will nor resources to stop these terrorist outfits.
Secondly Chinese government
should stop atrocities on Uighur Muslims. They must get religious freedom and
should be allowed to follow the religious rituals. The effort of the Chinese
government to change the demography of the area by settling more and more Han
Chinese and Hui Muslims is unproductive and the resentment and secessionist
feeling is increasing. Chinese government should understand that it is a
homegrown movement and it cannot be repressed by brute force.
Islamabad is in difficult
situation as it cannot act against Chinese government due to its dependence on
several things. Pakistan is dependent economically as well as for the supply of
defence equipment on Beijing. Pakistan also feel that China will come for its
rescue in case of Indo-Pak war although India and Pakistan already fought three
wars and China never came forward. However Pakistani masses are against China
and they want to extend assistance to the Uighur Muslims, and they are unhappy
as China is ill-treating their Muslim brothers. Several articles are appearing
in Pakistani newspapers and magazines criticising China for the mayhem of
Uighurs. The articles also criticise Pakistan government for not supporting the
Muslim brothers in their just struggle.
The Uighurs claim that their
women are raped, men are forcibly sterilized, and children are detached from
their parents. Chinese have destroyed more than 10,000 mosques in last three
years. It is unfortunate that Muslims are not raising their voices against the
massive repression of their community. Muslims attacked the office of Charlie
Hebdo newspaper in Paris when it published a cartoon which insulted Islam.
Muslims all over world criticised and condemned Myanmar authorities when they
evicted Rohingya Muslims from the country. It is difficult for Muslims in China
to raise voice against Chinese suppression but it is difficult to understand
why Saudi Arabia which claims to be the leader of Muslim world or Turkey which
is trying to swap Saudi Arabia and is claiming the leadership of Muslim world
is also not criticising China. Malaysia which raises Kashmir issue in
international forums is also not speaking against China. Iran instead of
criticising appreciated China. It appears that Beijing has muted their voice
through money power. China invested about Rs.4.47 lakh crore in Pakistan and
signed a deal of Rs.5.20 lakh crore with Saudi Arabia. China has close economic
relations with Malaysia and Beijing also saved economy of Turkey. About 30
Muslim countries agreed to participate in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Nevertheless,
the Muslim countries as well as Muslims all over the world should stop using
Chinese goods and should press China to stop atrocities on minorities
especially Uighur Muslims. (15)
It is good that US along with
UK and France are imposing restrictions on Chinese goods and companies which
are working against the human rights of Chinese citizens especially Uighur
Muslims. China criticises other countries for human right violations. Beijing
also issued statements against India for human right violations in Kashmir on
the basis of fabricated facts provided by Pakistan while there are numerous
human right violations against all Muslims in China.
Ambassador Christoph Heusgen spoke on behalf of 39 countries in United Nations
on 6th October 2020. In the speech he mentioned that “We are gravely
concerned about the human rights situation in Xinjiang and the recent
developments in Hong Kong”. He also recalled that in June 2020 also, 50 UN
Special Procedures mandate holders issued an exceptional letter of concern,
calling on the People’s Republic of China to respect human rights. He further
mentioned that “We call on China to respect human rights, particularly the
rights of persons belonging to religious and ethnic minorities, especially in
Xinjiang and Tibet.” German Ambassador
further mentioned that “over a million people are arbitrarily detained” in
re-education camps. In last he demanded “unfettered access” to independent
observers in Xinjiang. While talking to reporters Ambassador Heusgen mentioned
that Beijing should stop these detention camps immediately. British envoy
Jonathan Allen also said that China should immediately allow U.N. High
Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Xinjiang region to assess the situation
of Uighurs. (16 &17)
In view
of China’s exploitation of minorities, the diverse human right organisations as
well as the free world must boycott China’s products so that it is hurt
economically. President Xi Jinping should also stop repression and mistreatment
of the minorities. In the present era all must enjoy full democratic rights.
and References
1.Alice Su : Harmony
and Martyrdom Among China’s Hui Muslims; The New Yorker Dated 6 June, 2016
2. Cihangir Yildirim; China practices double standard with Muslims; Daily Sabah dated 08 June
3. Islam in China; from
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4.Jai Kumar
Verma; Escalating Islamic terrorism in Xinjiang:
Warning bells for Beijing; South Asia Monitor dated 04.02.2017
5. Chinese
police kill four after Xinjiang attack; Chinese police kill four after Xinjiang
attack; BBC News dated 28 December 2016
in China; Top China Travel (TCT)
Turkistan Islamic Party
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8. Uighur Militants: Global Security.org
9. United Revolutionary Front of East Turkestan
From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
10. The Turkistan Islamic Party in Double-Exile: Geographic and
Organizational Divisions in Uighur Jihadism; Jacob Zenn; The
Jamestown Foundation, dated 7 September, 2018.
11. Who We Are;
12. Uran Botobekov; While fighting in Syria, the Turkestan Islamic Party has
joined forces with global jihadist movements; The Diplomat Dated 17.08.2016
13. Refugee
Review Tribunal AUSTRALIA RRT RESEARCH RESPONSE Research Response Number:
CHN17749 Country: China Date: 20 January 2006
14. Chris Buckley and Austin Ramzy; Night Images Reveal Many New Detention Sites in China’s Xinjiang Region;
New York Times Dated 24 September, 2020
15. Chinese atrocities on Uighur Muslims continue as Islamic community
maintains strategic silence; Zee Media Bureau; Dated 19 August, 2020
16. Margaret Besheer; At UN: 39 Countries Condemn China's Abuses of
Uighurs ; VOA News on China dated 06.10.2020
Statement by Ambassador Christoph Heusgen on behalf of 39 Countries in the
Third Committee General Debate, October 6, 2020.
18. Shantanu Mukharji; Uighurs’ plight should alert world; The Statesman dated 8 July 2020
https://www.thestatesman.com/opinion/uighurs-plight-alert-world-2-1502907017.html |
Aviation & Defence
Home › Spotlight › Xi Jinping orders PLA to be ready for full time combat
Xi Jinping Orders PLA To Be Ready For Full Time Combat
India the threat or China faces multi threat?
By Jai Kumar Verma
New Delhi. 13 January 2021. As the world watched Chinese Premier addressing the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) on new year, Xi Jinping the commander-in-chief of the
joint battle command centre of the Central Military Commission asserted that
the force must be ready for a “full-time combat” and to “act at any second”.
He also stated that PLA must augment
the training and use of high-level technology in 2021. The defence forces
should also enhance the use of technology in training as well as in exercises
and emphasised that the latest technology is essential to boost “combat
effectiveness”. Computer stimulations should also be used in drills and
exercises. The new equipment, modern technology and new techniques should be
incorporated in defences forces.
shake becomes weak
The 2021 annual exercises of Chinese
armed forces also commenced w.e.f. 4 January. In the mobilisation order for the
training of all armed forces, it was also stressed that in the military
exercises there must be full cooperation among various wings of defence forces
and the safety and security of the defence personnel must be observed. The
order also mentioned that the policies of Communist Party of China and CMC must
be implemented.
Xi also
mentioned that as this year is 100th anniversary of formation of Communist Party of China, the
commanders and the soldiers of the defence forces must be ready to face the
adversities and should not fear death. The command and control of PLA, The
People’s Armed Police and the China Militia which is the militia part of the
armed forces is under the control of State CMC, and Xi Jinping is its chairman.
The state-controlled TV channels showed
videotapes of Chinese defence forces participating in military drills. The media
also reported that after the president’s instructions, about two million
Chinese soldiers became ready for the war. The Chinese state media also showed,
the mask-wearing Chinese soldiers, several warships firing shots, tanks in rows
in the position of attack and launching of missiles, in the TV channels. China
Central Television showed the mock drill in which the Chinese soldiers were
coming out from aircraft and attacking the enemies.
The Chinese President’s speech at this
juncture is significant as China has not only invaded India, but is also
threatening Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Japan. Chinese troops are
encroaching Indian territory since May 2020 and there were face-offs and
skirmishes on Indo-china borders at Pangong Lake in Ladakh region. There were
also clashes in eastern Ladakh at Line of Actual Control (LAC). Chinese have
constructed roads, bridges and culverts in the areas controlled by them however
when India also tried to build roads in the Galwan area Chinese objected and in
the fight in June 2020, 20 Indian soldiers including a colonel were martyred.
The casualties on Chinese side were much more but they have not officially
announced the number of deaths. However, according to sources the Chinese
fatalities were more than 50 including an officer. Few soldiers were also
detained by both sides but later released, although officially both sides
denied about detention of soldiers.
There were several rounds of diplomatic
and military talks between India and China, where China promised to withdraw
but they have not full-filled the promises hence the standoff continued. In
view of Chinese aggression, the Indian Border Roads Organisation (BRO)
continued developing the infrastructure on Indian side of the borders which was
objected by Beijing.
China has also not liked the defanging
of Article 370 in August 2019, which resulted in the revocation of special
status of Jammu and Kashmir. India banned 200 Chinese apps and there were
campaigns to boycott Chinese goods in Indian markets. It appears that India
China clashes would continue as India has refused to bow down and Indian forces
are facing Chinese troops valiantly.
: The Guardian
Beijing is also threatening Taiwan and
increased air force fly-by operations targeting Taiwan. Chinese fighter planes
also entered in Taiwan airspace thrice and in June Taiwan fighter planes had to
“drive away” Chinese J-10 fighter plane. China also sent an aircraft carrier
‘Liaoning’ on a round-trip mission between Okinawa and Miyako islands. Chinese
navy also conducted exercises in waterway and deployed a survey vessel to tail
West Capella ultra-deep-water drillship contracted by Malaysia’s company. In
view of Chinese aggressive posture Taiwanese pro-independence leader Tsai
Ing-wen has signed important arms contracts with United States under which
Taiwan will get F-16 fighter jets and missiles for army and navy. In April
Taiwan conducted test-fire of a missile which can hit targets deep inside
China. Taiwan is apprehensive that China is preparing to capture Taiwanese
islands in South China Sea.
The US China relations are also its
lowest ebb as US is supporting Taiwan and a trade war between both the
countries are going on since 2018. US also accused China for spread of Covid-19
in the world and about repression of pro- democracy movement in Hong Kong. US
air force conducted approximately 40 sorties over South and East China Seas and
US navy also conducted few operations there.
Vietnam also charged that two Chinese
ships attacked its fishing boat near Paracel Islands located in South China
Sea. China claims that these islands are Chinese territory. Chinese regularly
attacks Vietnamese Fishing boats. Not only this Chinese and US maritime forces
also came extremely near to each other in South China Sea amid growing tension
between both the countries. Chinese navy also countered US navy patrols in the
South China Sea.
The dissent in Hongkong is enhancing
and pro-democracy protests are increasing. Chinese efforts to curb the
demonstrations by force also failed. Tibet is also not completely peaceful and
on 5 January Chinese military choppers performed an aerial drill over the
Potala Palace in Lhasa. The aerial exercise is important as US passed Tibetan
Policy and Support Act 2020 which reiterates the right of Tibetans to choose
the successor of 14th Dalai Lama. China not only wants to manipulate the
successor of 14th Dalai Lama but also insists that he must abide by Chinese laws.
It is expected that China may again start repression in
After becoming President and Chairman
of CMC in late 2012, Xi Jinping is giving special attention on increasing the
fighting capabilities of PLA. In 2015 he started an enormous programme to
modernise the Chinese armed forces which was planned to end in 2020. The
military analysts claim that the fighting capability of PLA has considerably
increased as China is facing threat of war from more than one country because
of its expansionist policies. Nevertheless, China blames other countries and
alleges that they are infringing its sovereignty. Hence it is difficult to
assume against which country Chinese army is preparing or to which country it
is threatening.
Chinese observers also mention that Xi
gave the threatening speech to divert public attention from the second wave of
Covid-19 while others claim that the Chinese economy is going down and there is
massive unemployment in the country.
Kumar Verma is a Delhi-based strategic analyst and member of United Services
Institute of India and Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The views in
the article are solely the author’s. He can be contacted at editor.adu@gmail.com)
Tagged with: BRO, Central
Military Commission, China
Militia, India, Jammu
and Kashmir, LAC, People’s
Armed Police, PLA, South
China Sea, Spotlight, Taiwan, Xi
China Not for Full-scale
War with India but an Honourable Retreat
China is in a ‘Catch 22’ situation and is in no
motive to go for a full-scale war with India at this juncture. However, it
wants an honourable retreat to emerge victorious before its countrymen in about
five month long India-China standoff at LAC in eastern Ladakh
September 14,
Jai Kumar Verma
Global Times, the newspaper run by
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), recently threatened that “If India wants to engage
in competition, China has more tools and capability than India. If India would
like a military showdown, the PLA is bound to make the Indian Army suffer much
more severe losses than it did in 1962.” The paper painted a gloomy picture of
Indian economy and claimed that although United States is supporting India, it
will not come for its rescue. Though the editorial was for the consumption of
Chinese locals, it mentioned more than once that China welcomes peace with
The China watchers claim that at present President
Xi Jinping is facing opposition in Communist Party as well as there is a lot of
resentment in the public. The public is facing food shortage and there is also
deficiency of essential commodities. The unemployment has risen to unprecedented
level and the academics, intelligentsias and literary people are unhappy
because of imposition of one-man rule in the country.
The image of China is also deteriorated in
international arena and several countries in the world are opposing the
aggressive policies of Xi Jinping. A Chinese think tank also mentioned that the
image of China is declining, and anti-China feelings have increased in the
world. Several countries including Taiwan, Australia, Japan and Vietnam are
either challenging China or working against Chinese interests. US President
Trump not only issued several statements against China but also put several
trade restrictions and closed a Chinese Consulate at Houston. The United
Kingdom put restrictions on Huawei telecommunication equipment, and India also
banned 59 Chinese apps as well as put restrictions on Chinese companies for
taking contracts in India.
In the latest incident of skirmish at Line of
Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, China attacked India firstly to divert
the attention of Chinese public and secondly to show the world at large that
China is a powerful country by humiliating India. In 1962 also, Mao Zedong,
Chairman of Communist Party of China was facing resentment at internal as well
as external fronts, attacked India captured some Indian territory and returned
back after mortifying India.
But here President Xi Jinping underestimated the
capabilities and resolve of India as New Delhi has reinforced its defence
capabilities and also built strategic roads, bridges and other infrastructure
on the borders. As China became offensive at multiple areas, several countries
including US, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Australia supported India. France
expedited the delivery of Rafale fighter jets and Russia also agreed for early
delivery of S-400 missile system.
The leadership of People’s Liberation
Army (PLA) including Jinping are aware of the weaknesses of PLA and the
strength and commitment of Indian defence forces. Indian Army may lack the
latest armaments but has experience of mountain warfare and is much ahead of
PLA in chivalry, gallantry and courage
The leadership of People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
including Jinping are aware of the weaknesses of PLA and the strength and
commitment of Indian defence forces. Indian Army may lack the latest armaments
but has experience of mountain warfare and is much ahead of PLA in chivalry,
gallantry and courage. Indian Army is a regular army while the soldiers are
conscripted in Chinese army. They are forced to join army for about five years
and then they go back to their easy civil life. Hence, they do not fight whole
heartedly. It can be seen in the fight in Galwan valley in which 20 Indian
soldiers including the brave Commanding Officer were martyred but before their
supreme sacrifice they killed approximately 100 Chinese officers and soldiers.
China, however, did not release the figure of casualties because of resentment
in PLA and within the country.
The life of army men is difficult; they not only undergo a rigorous training but are also posted at inhospitable terrain. The Chinese youth because of one-child norm, material comforts, economic growth and prosperity became easy-going hence they are not ready to fight or die for the nation. On the night of August 29/30 Indian Army captured few hilltops which are strategically important while Chinese army suffered casualties and had to abandon these posts. Chinese leadership is aware of the weaknesses of PLA hence they signed agreements with India for non-use of weapons on the borders.
On September 10, Indian external affairs Minister
S. Jaishankar met Chinese state councillor Wang Yi on the side-lines of
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Moscow. The meeting chalked out a
five points programme to deescalate the tension between both the countries. The
meeting was held in view of the worsening situation which led to the exchange of
bullets on September 7 between troops of both the countries after about 45
years. Post the conclusion of the meeting between both the foreign ministers,
China took the lead to issue the press release, but it did not elaborate the
five points agreed during the meeting.
The Indian “joint statement” mentioned all five
points. It stated that “the two foreign ministers agreed that the current
situation in the border areas is not in the interest of either side. They
agreed therefore that the border troops of both sides should continue their
dialogue, quickly disengage, maintain proper distance and ease tensions.” The
joint statement also declared that “the two ministers agreed that both sides
shall abide by all the existing agreements and protocol on China-India boundary
affairs, maintain peace and tranquillity in the border areas and avoid any
action that could escalate matters.”
Beijing, which has already built
infrastructure in the border region, opposes India’s development of roads,
bridges and other infrastructure in the areas abutting India-China borders.
China has also not liked India’s repeal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir
and lifting the semi-autonomous status of Ladakh
Both the ministers agreed “to continue to have
dialogue and communication through the Special Representative mechanism on the
India-China boundary question. They also agreed in this context that the
Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China border
affairs (WMCC) should also continue its meetings.” It was also decided that
once situation eases new Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) would be concluded
so that peace and tranquillity is restored in the border areas. Chinese even
after their promise to deescalate never adhered to the same, and continuously
keep enhancing their deployments. Hence India may adopt the policy of wait and
watch and constantly monitor Chinese moves and continue strengthening its
forces in the border areas.
China which is an expansionist country claims
90,000 square kilometres of Indian territory including Arunachal Pradesh. China
has already occupied 38,000 square kilometres of Indian territory in Aksai Chin
area which is part of Kashmir. Besides border dispute there are also economic
competition between both the countries. New Delhi is trying its best for US and
European companies transfer their manufacturing units in India as labour cost
in China is increasing and Chinese relations with several countries are
worsening. The growing India U.S. relationship is also viewed by China as an
alliance against it. Beijing, which has already built infrastructure in the
border region, opposes India’s development of roads, bridges and other
infrastructure in the areas abutting India-China borders. China has also not
liked India’s repeal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir and lifting the
semi-autonomous status of Ladakh.
China has adopted the strategy of ‘salami slicing’
which means that China will take series of aggressions and after every attack
it will retreat but not from all occupied territory. In this way after every
aggression it will enhance its territory slowly but steadily. Hence India must
be cautious and should insist that PLA forces must retreat completely and not
agree to “meet each other halfway”. As under the policy of ‘salami slicing’
China will occupy 10 miles and will retreat five miles and will gain five miles
in every aggression.
At present China has limited options it cannot go
for a full-scale war by using long range artillery as in that case India will
also retaliate and few other countries which have animosity with China may help
India overtly or covertly. Chinese economic condition is also precarious, and
India may start assisting Tibet and Xinjiang nationalist movements
diplomatically. India may also abandon the policy of One China and may enhance
its relations with Taiwan.
At present China has limited options
it cannot go for a full-scale war by using long range artillery as in that case
India will also retaliate and few other countries which have animosity with
China may help India overtly or covertly
The other option for Beijing is to negotiate with
India and withdraw its forces honourably as Jinping has to show his countrymen
that China emerged victorious. It is the reason that China is negotiating at
all levels. There were negotiations at brigade commander and corps commander
level, telephonic conversations between foreign ministers and National Security
Advisors (NSA). Few days ago defence ministers and foreign ministers of both
the countries also negotiated at Moscow. In all the meetings Chinese promised
to withdraw but never fulfilled their promises.
Currently China is in a difficult situation as its
forces cannot retreat without any perceptible gain as it will further damage
the image of president Xi Jinping. Indian forces are not only giving tough
fight but insisting that PLA must return to April position. Indian forces also
cannot give any concession to PLA as it will downgrade the strong image of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. China cannot afford an all-out war hence it may
opt either for a long standoff or a limited war to retain its position of
superior power. It may also try to persuade Pakistan to attack India and
Islamabad which wants to take revenge from New Delhi of the dissection of 1971
may agree to help its all-weather friend. Pakistan will also try to instruct
its agents in Kashmir to disturb the law and order situation. Hence India must
prepare for limited war with its two neighbours and disturbances in Kashmir.
At present Indian economy is also going down
because of Coronavirus pandemic hence India should also try to solve the issue
-Jai Kumar Verma is a New Delhi-based strategic
analyst and a retired senior intelligence officer. He is also a member of USI
and MP-IDSA. The views expressed in the article are solely of the author and do
not necessarily reflect the views of Raksha
Is Bangladesh Going in the Lap of China?
Although after Pakistan, in South Asia, Bangladesh received maximum investments from China and several analysts claim that Dhaka is falling in a debt trap of Beijing. Notwithstanding, it is believed that Dhaka will not work against the interests of New Delhi
By Jai Kumar Verma

China which considers India as nascent challenger in the region slowly but steadily trying to win over latter’s neighbours. Pakistan which already lost Gwadar seaport, and is in the grip of China published a map one day before the first anniversary of the defanging of article 370. The political map included Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) as part of Pakistan.
Nepal also on the behest of China issued a map in which Indian areas including Limpiadhura, Lipulek and Kalapani were shown as part of Nepal. The critics mention that Rajapaksa government of Sri Lanka is pro-China and several important projects are going to Chinese companies.
Beijing assessed that at present the relations between Dhaka and New Delhi have deteriorated as Bangladesh government is against India’s National Register of Citizens (NRC) and The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 which gives eligibility for Indian citizenship to illegal migrants belong to the communities of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan but excludes Muslims.
Dhaka feels that Indian security agencies will push the illegal Bangladeshis in the country and in future unemployed Bangladeshis will not able to infiltrate in India. Sheikh Hasina had also not given time to meet Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka for about four months.
Chinese companies successfully acquired important projects including development of a smart city near Dhaka and construction of airport in Sylhet, a city in eastern Bangladesh. Recently China agreed to fund projects of more than US$6 billion while it was already working on the infrastructure projects worth US$10 billion.
The defence relations between China and Bangladesh are also enhancing these days. Beijing is supplying tanks, fighter jets, submarines, frigates and other equipment to Bangladesh. Both the countries have signed a Defence Cooperation Agreement in 2002.
In a calculated move to win over Bangladesh, China exempted 97 per cent of Bangladesh exports from duty. Chinese President Xi Jinping granted this concession during a telephonic conversation with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Now 8,256 Bangladeshi articles have become duty-free.
In 2016 when Xi Jinping visited Bangladesh, he promised an investment of US$25 billion. In 2019 Bangladesh also awarded contract to a Chinese firm to construct renewable energy projects which can produce 500 megawatts of power by 2023.
China is also assisting Bangladesh as it is an important country for the success of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which is a leading project of Xi Jinping. According to a rough estimate, China promised investments worth US$38 billion under BRI related projects in Bangladesh.
The Indian security agencies are of the view that once China gets stronghold in Bangladesh, Chinese intelligence agency Ministry of State Security (MSS) will also involve Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).
It may be noted here that the sinister ISI since beginning has used East Pakistan and later Bangladesh for fomenting trouble in India. There are reports that in the past Pakistan had terrorist training camps in Bangladesh where it was training insurgents of diverse terrorist outfits from the north eastern states of India.
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan called Sheikh Hasina in July 2020 and desired to have cordial relations between both the countries. Pakistani High Commissioner in Bangladesh also met Abul Kalam Abdul Momen, Bangladeshi Minister of Foreign Affairs, just before Imran Khan called Sheikh Hasina. Pakistani High Commissioner also pleaded for stronger relations between both the countries on the basis of religion and culture.
Bangladesh claims that Indian implementation of projects is awfully slow, and it is an important reason that the neighbouring countries are leaning more towards China. Reliance Power and Adani Group declared construction of power projects, but they are still in initial stages. Projects like Akhaura-Agartala rail link, India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline, inland water ways all are extremely sluggish and behind schedule. Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicles Agreement is also not rolling. The sharing of water of Teesta river is an antagonistic issue and is not resolved.
Now China has agreed for extensive dredging of Teesta river and its tributaries, building of dams, stopping of erosion and reclamation of land. Although Chinese project in Teesta river will not directly affect India but it will enhance Chinese image in Bangladesh as it will be a big engineering achievement. It will also indicate that several states in India are suffering from flood and water shortage and government is unable to take any action.
From Bangladesh side, Sheikh Hasina paid a visit to China in July 2019 where bilateral trade was the main agenda of the Bangladeshi PM’s visit. Several agreements were also signed during the visit. China also promised the loan of US$1.7 billion to improve power sector.
Chinese companies also adopt underhand techniques. Dhaka-Sylhet highway project which was worth US$1.6 billion was cancelled by Bangladesh authorities as the Chinese contractor tried to bribe the Bangladeshi officials. China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) which also constructed Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka was blacklisted by Bangladesh.
Analysts remark that Chinese companies oust the competitors from the market by using unjust ways. It is also mentioned that Chinese companies also obtain contracts through lower bids but later change the terms and conditions of the contract, out of which they charge more for spare parts.
After Pakistan, in South Asia, Bangladesh received maximum investments from China, nevertheless several analysts claim that Dhaka is falling in a Chinese debt trap. They give the example of Sri Lanka as it had to give Hambantota port on 99 years lease to China because of non-payment of loan.
Critics also mention that Myanmar uprooted Rohingya Muslims from the country by using Chinese weapons, and China is still supporting Myanmar militarily without understanding the problems Bangladesh is facing because of Rohingya refugees.
However, if we talk of the relations between India and Bangladesh, they are historically cordial. India extended three lines of credit for the development of infrastructure projects in railways, roads, shipping etc. New Delhi also gave 10 diesel locomotives to Dhaka recently.
Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla paid two successful visits to Dhaka. In the recent visit in August 2020 several bilateral issues were discussed including the cooperation over the Coronavirus vaccine. There is a good synergy between both the prime ministers, and Modi understands that cordial relation with Bangladesh is essential for the development of north eastern states.
Besides Bengali relationship, India should also cultivate Tamil and Telugu population in Bangladesh which is controlling the textile industry in the country. Medical tourism is also increasing, and Bangladeshi students are also coming to India for studies.
There is always a vast difference between the announcement of Chinese investment and the real amount invested by Beijing. On the other hand, India’s loan terms and conditions are much better and there is no difference between announcement and actual delivery.
India’s relations with its neighbours including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Maldives are quite cordial. Nepal has become difficult during the prime ministership of KP Sharma Oli, while India’s relations with Afghan government as well as with Taliban are quite cordial.
India is receiving overwhelming support from several countries including the United States, Australia, Japan, Vietnam, France, Russia and European Union during the hostilities with China. Few countries are vocal while some countries are supporting silently.
Bangladesh is aware of Chinese underhand practices and it will not embitter its relations with India. It may also be possible that Dhaka may try to extract some more favours from India to counter its closeness with Beijing. Few analysts also claim that Sheikh Hasina wants to encash anti-India sentiments in the country by showing closeness with China.
Bangladesh is a sovereign nation and has cordial relations with India and although it is accepting assistance from China in the development of infrastructure in the country, but it will not affect India Bangladesh relationship and Dhaka will not work against the interests of New Delhi.
-Jai Kumar Verma is a New Delhi-based strategic analyst and a retired senior intelligence officer. He is also a member of United Services Institute of India and Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The views in the article are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Raksha Anirveda



However, Nepal strongly refuted the charges that Nepal is protesting on behest of China. Nepalese Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali stated while giving an interview to an Indian TV network that Nepal will never allow another country to interfere in its internal matters. He further stated that although Nepal has cordial relations with China, it pursues a neutral foreign policy and it has cordial relations with both the neighbours. Here it is interesting to note that both India and China had bilateral agreement on the road link which Nepal claims as its territory.
Nepal’s Anti-India Protest: Wooing China By Playing The Domestic Card

I am in a stage of rage and with uncontrolled storm how China could take over India in this way. China had already ceded 45 kms of area along dhemchok.. Very shockingly.. Intermittent prying into Indian territories manitimes,, first in 1962, then 1984, 1991, 1992,,, how incumbent govt had not taken any action then,,, many questions again in my mind.....
ReplyDeleteQuestion 1.. Why Indian troops do not infiltrate into Aksai Chin as opponents did a number of times on our side?
Question 2. Why we are going for trade agreements with china even she is infiltrating and naming our own territories?
One more thing , please do share details of finger 1 to 8 on North side of Pyongyang lake ..
I feel elated and frenzied after reading this articulate article. As usual, your pundit is beyond doubt.. Very well expressed.. I am honored to have with us... Keep writing such article and enlighten us ....
Regards sir